File Information
Library: IoT/Devices
Package: Generated
Header: IoT/Devices/DeviceRemoteObject.h
The base class for all devices and sensors.
This class defines a generic interface for setting and querying device properties and features.
The class also defines an event for notifications about changes to the device status.
Every implementation of Device should expose the following properties:
- symbolicName: A name in reverse DNS notation that identifies the specific implementation of the device type.
- type (string): A name in reverse DNS notation that identifies the generic device type (e.g., "io.macchina.serial").
- name (string): A human-readable device type (e.g., "Serial Port").
- status (int): Current device status (DeviceStatus); optional.
The following generic device types are currently defined:
- io.macchina.composite (Composite)
- io.macchina.accelerometer (Accelerometer)
- io.macchina.barcode (BarcodeReader)
- io.macchina.gnss (GNSSSensor)
- io.macchina.gyroscope (Gyroscope)
- (IO)
- io.macchina.led (LED)
- io.macchina.magnetometer (Magnetometer)
- io.macchina.rotary (RotaryEncoder)
- io.macchina.sensor (Sensor)
- io.macchina.boolean (BooleanSensor)
- io.macchina.counter (Counter)
- io.macchina.serial (SerialDevice)
- io.macchina.switch (Switch)
- io.macchina.trigger (Trigger)
- io.macchina.datapoint (Datapoint)
- io.macchina.datapoint.scalar (ScalarDatapoint)
- io.macchina.datapoint.vector (VectorDatapoint)
- io.macchina.datapoint.counter (CounterDatapoint)
- io.macchina.datapoint.boolean (BooleanDatapoint)
- io.macchina.datapoint.string (StringDatapoint)
- io.macchina.datapoint.enum (EnumDatapoint)
- io.macchina.datapoint.flags (FlagsDatapoint)
Direct Base Classes: IDevice, Poco::RemotingNG::RemoteObject
All Base Classes: IDevice, Poco::OSP::Service, Poco::RefCountedObject, Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable, Poco::RemotingNG::RemoteObject
Member Summary
Member Functions: event__statusChanged, getFeature, getPropertyBool, getPropertyDouble, getPropertyInt, getPropertyInt16, getPropertyInt64, getPropertyString, getPropertyTimestamp, hasFeature, hasProperty, remoting__enableEvents, remoting__enableRemoteEvents, remoting__hasEvents, remoting__typeId, setFeature, setPropertyBool, setPropertyDouble, setPropertyInt, setPropertyInt16, setPropertyInt64, setPropertyString, setPropertyTimestamp
Inherited Functions: duplicate, getFeature, getPropertyBool, getPropertyDouble, getPropertyInt, getPropertyInt16, getPropertyInt64, getPropertyString, getPropertyTimestamp, hasFeature, hasProperty, isA, mutex, referenceCount, release, remoting__enableEvents, remoting__enableRemoteEvents, remoting__getURI, remoting__hasEvents, remoting__objectId, remoting__setURI, remoting__typeId, setFeature, setPropertyBool, setPropertyDouble, setPropertyInt, setPropertyInt16, setPropertyInt64, setPropertyString, setPropertyTimestamp, type
Types Aliases
using Ptr = Poco::AutoPtr < DeviceRemoteObject >;
const Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable::ObjectId & oid,
Poco::SharedPtr < IoT::Devices::Device > pServiceObject
Creates a DeviceRemoteObject.
virtual ~DeviceRemoteObject();
Destroys the DeviceRemoteObject.
Member Functions
virtual bool getFeature(
const std::string & name
) const;
Returns true if the feature with the given name is enabled, or false otherwise.
See also: IoT::Devices::IDevice::getFeature()
virtual bool getPropertyBool(
const std::string & name
) const;
Returns the value of the device property with the given name.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the property with the given name is unknown.
See also: IoT::Devices::IDevice::getPropertyBool()
virtual double getPropertyDouble(
const std::string & name
) const;
Returns the value of the device property with the given name.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the property with the given name is unknown.
virtual int getPropertyInt(
const std::string & name
) const;
Returns the value of the device property with the given name.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the property with the given name is unknown.
See also: IoT::Devices::IDevice::getPropertyInt()
virtual Poco::Int16 getPropertyInt16(
const std::string & name
) const;
Returns the value of the device property with the given name.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the property with the given name is unknown.
virtual Poco::Int64 getPropertyInt64(
const std::string & name
) const;
Returns the value of the device property with the given name.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the property with the given name is unknown.
virtual std::string getPropertyString(
const std::string & name
) const;
Returns the value of the device property with the given name.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the property with the given name is unknown.
virtual Poco::Timestamp getPropertyTimestamp(
const std::string & name
) const;
Returns the value of the device property with the given name.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the property with the given name is unknown.
virtual bool hasFeature(
const std::string & name
) const;
Returns true if the feature with the given name is known, or false otherwise.
See also: IoT::Devices::IDevice::hasFeature()
virtual bool hasProperty(
const std::string & name
) const;
Returns true if the property with the given name exists, or false otherwise.
See also: IoT::Devices::IDevice::hasProperty()
virtual std::string remoting__enableEvents(
Poco::RemotingNG::Listener::Ptr pListener,
bool enable = bool (true)
virtual void remoting__enableRemoteEvents(
const std::string & protocol
virtual bool remoting__hasEvents() const;
virtual const Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable::TypeId & remoting__typeId() const;
virtual void setFeature(
const std::string & name,
bool enable
Enables or disables the feature with the given name.
Which features are supported is defined by the actual device implementation.
See also: IoT::Devices::IDevice::setFeature()
virtual void setPropertyBool(
const std::string & name,
bool value
Sets a device property.
Which properties are supported is defined by the actual device implementation.
See also: IoT::Devices::IDevice::setPropertyBool()
virtual void setPropertyDouble(
const std::string & name,
double value
Sets a device property.
Which properties are supported is defined by the actual device implementation.
virtual void setPropertyInt(
const std::string & name,
int value
Sets a device property.
Which properties are supported is defined by the actual device implementation.
See also: IoT::Devices::IDevice::setPropertyInt()
virtual void setPropertyInt16(
const std::string & name,
Poco::Int16 value
Sets a device property.
Which properties are supported is defined by the actual device implementation.
virtual void setPropertyInt64(
const std::string & name,
Poco::Int64 value
Sets a device property.
Which properties are supported is defined by the actual device implementation.
virtual void setPropertyString(
const std::string & name,
const std::string & value
Sets a device property.
Which properties are supported is defined by the actual device implementation.
virtual void setPropertyTimestamp(
const std::string & name,
Poco::Timestamp value
Sets a device property.
Which properties are supported is defined by the actual device implementation.
void event__statusChanged(
const IoT::Devices::DeviceStatusChange & data