File Information
Library: IoT/Devices
Package: Devices
Header: IoT/Devices/SerialDevice.h
This class provides a simple interface for accessing a serial port.
There are two modes of operation for receiving data: polling (blocking) mode (default) and events (callback) mode.
In polling mode, repeatedly call poll() to detect if data is available, then call one of the read() methods to receive available data. The read() methods can also be called if no data is available, but will block until at least one character can be read.
In event mode the class will start a thread that polls and reads available data from the serial port, and fires the lineReceived event whenever something has been read. Since callback mode uses readLine() to receive entire lines (if possible), delimiter characters and timeout can be set via the "delimiters" (string) and "timeout" (double) properties.
Clients of the class can switch between polling and event mode by enabling or disabling the "events" feature:
setFeature("events", true);
Direct Base Classes: Device
All Base Classes: Device
Member Summary
Member Functions: available, getRTS, poll, readByte, readLine, readString, reconfigure, setRTS, writeByte, writeString
Inherited Functions: getFeature, getPropertyBool, getPropertyDouble, getPropertyInt, getPropertyInt16, getPropertyInt64, getPropertyString, getPropertyTimestamp, hasFeature, hasProperty, setFeature, setPropertyBool, setPropertyDouble, setPropertyInt, setPropertyInt16, setPropertyInt64, setPropertyString, setPropertyTimestamp
Types Aliases
using Ptr = Poco::AutoPtr < SerialDevice >;
Creates the SerialDevice.
Destroys the SerialDevice.
Member Functions
virtual int available() const = 0;
Returns the number of characters available from the internal buffer.
virtual bool getRTS() const = 0;
Returns the RTS status.
virtual bool poll(
double timeout
) = 0;
Waits for data to arrive at the port.
Returns true immediately if data is already in the internal buffer, or if data arrives during the specified time interval (given in seconds), otherwise false.
virtual Poco::UInt8 readByte() = 0;
Reads a single character from the port.
If the internal buffer is empty, blocks until data arrives at the port.
virtual std::string readLine(
const std::string & delimiters,
double timeout
) = 0;
Reads a characters from the serial port.
Characters will be read until one of the characters specified in delimiters is encountered, or no character is received for the specified timeout (in seconds).
virtual std::string readString() = 0;
Reads what's currently available from the serial port or internal buffer and returns it in data.
If the internal buffer is empty, blocks until data arrives at the port.
virtual void reconfigure(
int baudRate,
const std::string & parameters,
const std::string & flowControl
) = 0;
Reconfigures the serial port with the given baud rate and communication parameters.
Baud rate must be one of the following: 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 or 230400.
Specify -1 for baudRate to use the currently configured speed. Note that not all platforms support all baud rates.
To specify character size, parity and stop bits, use the parameters argument. The parameters argument must be a three character string. The first character specifies the serial line character width in bits (5, 6, 7 or 8). The second char specifies the parity (N for none, E for even, O for odd) and the third character specifies the number of stop bits (1 or 2). Example: "8N1" for 8 bit characters, no parity, 1 stop bit.
To specify flow control, use the flowControl argument. Specify "none" or an empty string for no flow control. Specify "rtscts" for hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control.
virtual void setRTS(
bool status
) = 0;
Manually sets or clears RTS.
virtual void writeByte(
Poco::UInt8 byte
) = 0;
Writes the given byte to the port.
virtual void writeString(
const std::string & data
) = 0;
Writes the given data to the port. Returns the number of characters written.
Poco::BasicEvent < const std::string > lineReceived;
Fired when a line of text has been received on the serial port.