File Information
Library: IoT/Devices
Package: Datapoints
Header: IoT/Devices/BooleanDatapoint.h
The base class for datapoints holding a boolean value.
In addition to the methods defined in this interface, a BooleanDatapoint implementation should expose the following properties:
- displayValue (string, optional): The current value of the datapoint, formatted as string for display purposes.
Direct Base Classes: Datapoint
Member Summary
Member Functions: invert, update, validValue, value
Inherited Functions: getFeature, getPropertyBool, getPropertyDouble, getPropertyInt, getPropertyInt16, getPropertyInt64, getPropertyString, getPropertyTimestamp, hasFeature, hasProperty, invalidate, setFeature, setPropertyBool, setPropertyDouble, setPropertyInt, setPropertyInt16, setPropertyInt64, setPropertyString, setPropertyTimestamp, valid
Creates the BooleanDatapoint.
Destroys the BooleanDatapoint.
Member Functions
virtual bool invert() = 0;
Inverts the value of the datapoint.
Returns the previous value of the datapoint.
Not all Datapoint implementations may support this method.
virtual bool update(
bool value
) = 0;
Updates the value of the datapoint and makes it valid.
Returns the previous value of the datapoint.
Not all Datapoint implementations may support this method.
virtual Poco::Optional < bool > validValue() const = 0;
Returns the current value of the datapoint if it is valid, otherwise an empty value.
virtual bool value() const = 0;
Returns the current value of the datapoint, even if the datapoint has been invalidated.
Use validValue() to get a valid value only.
Poco::BasicEvent < const bool > validated;
Fired when an invalid datapoint becomes valid again, by being updated with a new value. The new valud is given as event argument.
Poco::BasicEvent < const bool > valueChanged;
Fired when the value of the datapoint has changed.
Actual behavior of this event (e.g., minimum interval between fires) are implementation specific and can be configured via properties.
Poco::BasicEvent < const bool > valueUpdated;
Fired when the value of the datapoint has been updated by calling update(). This event is also fired if the actual value has not changed.