File Information
Library: OSP/Web
Package: Web
Header: Poco/OSP/Web/WebServerExtensionPoint.h
WebServerExtension handles two extensions points. To register a directory in the Webserver:
<extension point="" path="URI" resource="dir inside bundle" allowSpecialization="none|owner|all" index="index.html"/>
To register a RequestHandlerFactory for a given server uri/set of uris:
<extension point="osp.web.server.requesthandler" path="URI" class="MyRequestHandlerFactory" library="MyLib"/>
Note that the extension points are automatically removed if a bundle is stopped.
The following attributes can be specified for both extension points:
- path: The URI on the server to which the resource or handler is mapped.
- description: User-readable description of resource or handler.
- secure: If "true", require a secure (HTTPS) connection to access the resource.
- realm: Specify authentication realm (together with permission).
- permission: Specify the necessary access permission for this resource. Unless a session name is specified, HTTP Basic Authentication is used to obtain the user's user name and password, which are then checked against the specified permission using the authorization service. If the permission string is an asterisk ("*"), only the validity of the credentials is verified. If the permission string is two asterisks ("**"), then credentials are optional, but, if present, must be valid.
- authMethods: Specifies a comma-separated list of allowed authentication methods ("basic", "session", "bearer"). If not specified the globally enabled authentication methods will be used.
- session: Specify the name of the session used for session-based authentication instead of HTTP Basic Authentication. If specified together with a permission, the session with the specified name is obtained from the WebSessionService, and the current users's name is obtained from the session's "username" attribute, which must be a std::string.
- csrfProtection: If "true", enable CSRF/XSRF protection for session-based authentication. Requests must contain a header (default name "X-XSRF-TOKEN", but can be set with csrfToken attribute) containing the session's CSRF token.
- csrfTokenHeader: For CSRF/XSRF protection, specify the name of the header containing the CSRF/XSRF token. Defaults to "X-XSRF-TOKEN".
- hidden: If "true", path is not included by WebServerDispatcher::listVirtualPaths().
- redirectOn401: If the request would result in a 401 (Unauthorized) response due to missing authentication (see authMethods, permission and session attributes), send a redirect (302) response instead to the specified location, but only if the request is a GET request. This can be used to redirect to the login page.
The following attributes can be specified for "":
- resource: Specify a directory within the bundle where the HTML, image and other files are located.
- index: Specify the name of the default document (defaults to "index.html").
- cache: If "true", files in this directory can be cached. Defaults to "true". Set to "false" to disable caching.
- allowSpecialization: Using the allowSpecialization attribute, a bundle can specify whether other bundles can register themselves for subdirectories of the directory specified in path. The following values are supported: none: it is impossible to map resources or request handlers to subdirectories; owner: only this bundle can map resources or request handlers to subdirectories; all: any bundle can map resources or request handlers to subdirectories.
The following attributes can be specified for "osp.web.server.requesthandler":
- pattern: A regular expression for matching requests to the handler. If specified, no path attribute should be specified. If both the pattern and path attributes are given, path is ignored. Paths containing a pattern are not included by WebServerDispatcher::listVirtualPaths().
- methods: A comma-separated list of HTTP request methods ("GET", "POST", etc.") supported by the handler. If not specified, all methods are passed to the handler.
- class: The class name of the request handler factory.
- library: The name of the shared library containing the request handler factory.
- cors: If "true", enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
- allowOrigin: Specify the allowed origin for CORS requests. Can be "*" or empty (default) to allow all domains. If empty, the response's "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header will be set to the value of the request's "Origin" header. If "*" or a specific domain, the response's "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header will be set to that value.
- allowMethods: Allowed methods for CORS requests. Defaults to the value of the methods attribute, or "*" if methods is empty.
- allowHeaders: A comma-separated list of header names. If not empty, a "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" header will be added with the given value.
- allowCredentials: If "true", an "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" header with value "true" will be added to the response. Defaults to "true".
- exactMatch: If set to "true", the request URI path must exactly match the value specified in the "path" attribute. If set to "false" (default), will also match if the path specified in the "path" attribute is a parent of the request URI path.
- errorResponseFormat: Format of error response. Can be "html" or "json". Defaults to "html", but can be overridden by client if the request contains an "Accept" header ("application/json" or "text/html").
Direct Base Classes: Poco::OSP::ExtensionPoint
All Base Classes: Poco::OSP::ExtensionPoint, Poco::RefCountedObject
Member Summary
Member Functions: handleCommon, handleDirectory, handleExtension, handleRequestHandler, onBundleStopped
Inherited Functions: duplicate, handleExtension, referenceCount, release, removeExtension
BundleContext::Ptr pContext,
WebServerDispatcher * pDispatcher
Creates the WebServerExtension. Expects a not null pointer to the Web which must be valid during the whole life-time of the extension object
Destroys the WebServerExtension.
Member Functions
void handleExtension(
Bundle::ConstPtr pBundle,
Poco::XML::Element * pExtensionElem
void handleCommon(
Bundle::ConstPtr pBundle,
Poco::XML::Element * pExtensionElem,
WebServerDispatcher::VirtualPath & vPath
void handleDirectory(
Bundle::ConstPtr pBundle,
Poco::XML::Element * pExtensionElem
void handleRequestHandler(
Bundle::ConstPtr pBundle,
Poco::XML::Element * pExtensionElem
void onBundleStopped(
const void * pSender,
BundleEvent & ev
When a bundle is stopped, all of its request handlers and mappings are automatically disabled.
static const std::string EXTPOINT_DIRECTORY;
static const std::string EXTPOINT_HANDLER;
static const std::string ATTR_ALLOWCREDENTIALS;
static const std::string ATTR_ALLOWHEADERS;
static const std::string ATTR_ALLOWMETHODS;
static const std::string ATTR_ALLOWORIGIN;
static const std::string ATTR_ALLOWSPECIALIZATION;
static const std::string ATTR_AUTHMETHODS;
static const std::string ATTR_CACHE;
static const std::string ATTR_CLASS;
static const std::string ATTR_CORS;
static const std::string ATTR_CSRFPROTECTION;
static const std::string ATTR_CSRFTOKENHEADER;
static const std::string ATTR_DESCRIPTION;
static const std::string ATTR_EXACTMATCH;
static const std::string ATTR_HIDDEN;
static const std::string ATTR_INDEX;
static const std::string ATTR_LIBRARY;
static const std::string ATTR_METHODS;
static const std::string ATTR_PATH;
static const std::string ATTR_PATTERN;
static const std::string ATTR_PERMISSION;
static const std::string ATTR_REALM;
static const std::string ATTR_REDIRECTON401;
static const std::string ATTR_RESOURCE;
static const std::string ATTR_RESPONSEFORMAT;
static const std::string ATTR_SECURE;
static const std::string ATTR_SESSION;
static const std::string MANIFEST_NAME;