File Information
Library: OSP
Package: Bundle
Header: Poco/OSP/Bundle.h
This class represents a Bundle in OSP.
For every bundle directory or file found in the OSP bundle repository, a Bundle object is created. The bundle class stores the state of the Bundle and gives access to the bundle's manifest, configuration properties and resources.
The Bundle class also manages localized resources.
Direct Base Classes: Poco::RefCountedObject
All Base Classes: Poco::RefCountedObject
Member Summary
Member Functions: activator, activatorClass, activatorLibrary, addExtensionBundle, addProperties, addResolvedDependency, clearResolvedDependencies, copyright, events, extendedBundle, getLocalizedResource, getResource, id, isActive, isExtensionBundle, isResolved, isStarted, language, lazyStart, loadManifest, loadProperties, manifest, moduleProviders, name, path, preventUninstall, properties, providedModules, removeExtensionBundle, requiredBundles, requiredModules, resolve, resolvedDependencies, runLevel, sealed, setActivator, start, state, stateString, stop, storage, symbolicName, uninstall, vendor, version
Inherited Functions: duplicate, referenceCount, release
Nested Classes
struct ModuleProvider
struct ResolvedDependency
Types Aliases
using Dependencies = BundleManifest::Dependencies;
using Dependency = BundleManifest::Dependency;
using Module = BundleManifest::Module;
using ModuleProviders = std::vector < ModuleProvider >;
using Modules = BundleManifest::Modules;
using Ptr = Poco::AutoPtr < Bundle >;
using ResolvedDependencies = std::vector < ResolvedDependency >;
int id,
BundleLoader & loader,
BundleStorage::Ptr pStorage,
const LanguageTag & language
Creates the Bundle and reads the manifest using the given BundleStorage object.
The bundle takes ownership of the BundleStorage object.
Destroys the Bundle.
Member Functions
BundleActivator * activator() const;
If the bundle is active and has an activator, returns a pointer to the bundle's activator. Otherwise, returns NULL.
const std::string & activatorClass() const;
Returns the class name of the bundle's activator, or an empty string if the manifest does not specify an activator.
const std::string & activatorLibrary() const;
Returns the name of the library containing the bundle's activator class, or an empty string if the manifest does not specify an activator library.
const std::string & copyright() const;
Returns the bundle's copyright information, or an empty string if no copyright information has been specified in the pManifest->
If the copyright string contains a reference to a property, (${<property>}) the reference is expanded first.
Bundle::Ptr extendedBundle() const;
If the bundle is an extension bundle, returns the extended bundle, or in other words, the bundle that this bundle extends.
Returns a null pointer if the bundle is not an extension bundle, or the extended bundle has not been loaded.
std::istream * getLocalizedResource(
const std::string & name
) const;
Creates and returns an input stream for reading the bundle's localized resource with the given name.
Resources are ordinary files stored within the bundle's directory or archive file.
Returns NULL if the resource does not exist.
The caller gets ownership of the input stream and must delete it when it's no longer needed.
std::istream * getLocalizedResource(
const std::string & name,
const LanguageTag & language
) const;
Creates and returns an input stream for reading the bundle's localized (for the given language) resource with the given name.
Resources are ordinary files stored within the bundle's directory or archive file.
Returns NULL if the resource does not exist.
The caller gets ownership of the input stream and must delete it when it's no longer needed.
std::istream * getResource(
const std::string & name
) const;
Creates and returns an input stream for reading the bundle's (non-localized) resource with the given name.
Resources are ordinary files stored within the bundle's directory or archive file.
Returns NULL if the resource does not exist.
The caller gets ownership of the input stream and must delete it when it's no longer needed.
int id() const;
Returns the internal ID of the bundle.
Note that internal IDs are only valid during the runtime of an OSP-based application and may change between restarts.
Bundle IDs are guaranteed to be unique within the scope of a BundleLoader. No assumptions shall be made that bundle IDs are given out in a certain order or that they are strictly consecutive.
bool isActive() const;
Returns true if and only if the bundle's state is BUNDLE_ACTIVE.
bool isExtensionBundle() const;
Returns true if and only if the bundle is an extension bundle.
An extension bundle will "donate" all of its resources to the bundle it extends. This means that all properties defined in the extension bundle will become properties of the extended bundle. Also, all resources of the extension bundle will become available through getResource() and getLocalizedResource() on the extended bundle.
bool isResolved() const;
Returns true if and only if the bundle has been successfully resolved.
In other words, the bundle's state must be one of BUNDLE_RESOLVED, BUNDLE_STARTING, BUNDLE_ACTIVE, BUNDLE_STOPPED.
bool isStarted() const;
Returns true if and only if the bundle's state is BUNDLE_STARTING, BUNDLE_ACTIVE or BUNDLE_STOPPING.
const LanguageTag & language() const;
Returns the language used for localization.
bool lazyStart() const;
Returns true if lazy start has been specified for the bundle.
const BundleManifest & manifest() const;
Returns a reference to the BundleManifest object.
const ModuleProviders & moduleProviders() const;
Returns a vector of all required modules, with information about the bundles providing each module.
const std::string & name() const;
Returns the bundle's name.
If the name contains a reference to a property, (${<property>}) the reference is expanded first.
std::string path() const;
Returns the path to the bundle's directory or archive file.
bool preventUninstall() const;
Returns true if the bundle must not be uninstalled at run-time.
This is mostly useful for bundles that cannot be cleanly stopped. An example are bundles that contain third-party libraries that, once loaded, cannot be unloaded cleanly.
const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & properties() const;
Returns the bundle's properties, which are obtained from the bundle's "" file (and its optional localizations).
const Modules & providedModules() const;
Returns a vector containing information about all modules provided by this bundle.
const Dependencies & requiredBundles() const;
Returns a vector containing information about all bundles required by this bundle.
const Dependencies & requiredModules() const;
Returns a vector containing information about all modules required by this bundle.
void resolve();
Resolves the bundle by verifying the availability of all required bundles. The bundle must be in BUNDLE_INSTALLED state. A sucessful resolve() puts the bundle in BUNDLE_RESOLVED state.
Throws an exception if the bundle cannot be resolved.
const ResolvedDependencies & resolvedDependencies() const;
Returns a vector containing information about all bundles explicitly (through Require-Bundle) or implicitly (through Require-Module) required by this bundle.
const std::string & runLevel() const;
Returns the bundle's run level.
If the bundle does not specify a run level, returns the default "999-user".
bool sealed() const;
Returns true if the bundle is sealed and cannot be extended by an extension bundle.
void start();
Starts the bundle. The bundle's state must be BUNDLE_RESOLVED.
Puts the bundle in BUNDLE_STARTING state, loads the bundle's activator and invokes it, and finally puts the bundle in BUNDLE_RUNNING state.
State state() const;
Returns the current state of the bundle.
const std::string & stateString() const;
Returns the current state of the bundle as a string.
void stop();
Stops the bundle. The bundle's state must be BUNDLE_ACTIVE. Puts the bundle into BUNDLE_STOPPING state, stops the bundle activator and finally puts the bundle into BUNDLE_RESOLVED state.
const std::string & symbolicName() const;
Returns the symbolic name of the bundle.
void uninstall();
Uninstalls the bundle. The bundle must be in BUNDLE_INSTALLED or BUNDLE_RESOLVED state. The bundle is also removed from the bundle repository.
const std::string & vendor() const;
Returns the bundle's vendor name, or an empty string if no vendor name has been specified in the pManifest->
If the vendor string contains a reference to a property, (${<property>}) the reference is expanded first.
const Version & version() const;
Returns the bundle's version.
void addExtensionBundle(
Bundle * pExtensionBundle
Adds an extension bundle.
An extension bundle will "donate" all of its resources to the bundle it extends. This means that all properties defined in the extension bundle will become properties of the extended bundle. Also, all resources of the extension bundle will become available through getResource() and getLocalizedResource() on the extended bundle.
void addProperties(
const std::string & path
Adds the properties from the property file specified by path to the bundle's properties.
void addResolvedDependency(
const ResolvedDependency & dependency
Adds a dependency to the vector of resolved dependencies, unless it's already been added before.
void clearResolvedDependencies();
Clears the vector of resolved dependencies.
BundleEvents & events();
Returns a reference to the BundleEvents object.
void loadManifest();
Loads the bundle's manifest file.
void loadProperties();
Loads the bundle's properties.
void removeExtensionBundle(
Bundle * pExtensionBundle
Removes an extension bundle.
The resources and properties of the extension bundle will no longer be available to the extended bundle.
void setActivator(
BundleActivator * pActivator
Sets the BundleActivator.
BundleStorage & storage();
Returns a reference to the BundleStorage object.
static const std::string BUNDLE_ACTIVE_STRING;
static const std::string BUNDLE_INSTALLED_STRING;
static const std::string BUNDLE_INVALID_STRING;
static const std::string BUNDLE_RESOLVED_STRING;
static const std::string BUNDLE_STARTING_STRING;
static const std::string BUNDLE_STOPPING_STRING;
static const std::string BUNDLE_UNINSTALLED_STRING;
static const std::string MANIFEST_FILE;
static const std::string PROPERTIES_FILE;