File Information
Library: OSP/Web
Package: Web
Header: Poco/OSP/Web/WebSessionService.h
A WebSessionService manages WebSession objects.
How an implementation of the WebSessionService actually associates WebSession objects with user sessions in a web browser is up to the implementation. A typical way to do this would be to set a cookie referencing the WebSession in the user's web browser.
Sessions are always associated with a certain application. This allows for different applications running in one OSP container to each have their own session object.
Application names should follow the usual OSP reverse-DNS naming schema. Specifying an empty application name is valid.
Direct Base Classes: Poco::OSP::Service
All Base Classes: Poco::OSP::Service, Poco::RefCountedObject
Member Summary
Member Functions: create, find, get, isA, remove, removeForUser, type
Inherited Functions: duplicate, isA, referenceCount, release, type
Member Functions
virtual WebSession::Ptr create(
const std::string & appName,
const Request & request,
int expireSeconds,
BundleContext::Ptr pContext
) = 0;
Creates a new WebSession object with the given expiration time for the application given by appName and the given HTTP request, and associates the WebSession with the browser's user session.
virtual WebSession::Ptr find(
const std::string & appName,
const Request & request
) = 0;
Return a WebSession object for the application specified by appName and the given HTTP request if one exists, or a null pointer otherwise.
virtual WebSession::Ptr get(
const std::string & appName,
const Request & request,
int expireSeconds,
BundleContext::Ptr pContext
) = 0;
Return a WebSession object for the application specified by appName and the given HTTP request. If no session is associated with the given request, a new session is created with the given expiration time.
bool isA(
const std::type_info & otherType
) const;
See also: Poco::OSP::Service::isA()
virtual void remove(
WebSession::Ptr ptr
) = 0;
Removes a session from the manager, if it exists. Does nothing if the session is not known to the session manager.
virtual void removeForUser(
const std::string & username
) = 0;
Removes all sessions for the given username.
const std::type_info & type() const;
See also: Poco::OSP::Service::type()