
class JSExecutor

File Information

Library: JS/Core
Package: Execution
Header: Poco/JS/Core/JSExecutor.h


The JSExecutor class executes JavaScript code in a controlled environment (i.e., with a specific set of global JavaScript objects set).


Direct Base Classes: Poco::Runnable, Poco::RefCountedObject

All Base Classes: Poco::RefCountedObject, Poco::Runnable

Known Derived Classes: Poco::OSP::JS::JSExecutor, Poco::OSP::JS::TimedJSExecutor, TimedJSExecutor

Member Summary

Member Functions: addModuleRegistry, addModuleSearchPath, attachToCurrentThread, buildStackTrace, call, callInContext, cancelTerminate, cleanup, compile, current, globalContext, handleError, handleMemoryWarning, handleOutOfMemory, importModule, include, includeScript, isRunning, isTerminating, isolate, reportError, require, resolveModule, run, runImpl, scriptCompleted, scriptContext, setWrapperProperty, setup, setupGlobalObject, setupGlobalObjectTemplate, sleep, stop, terminate, uri

Inherited Functions: duplicate, referenceCount, release, run

Nested Classes

struct ErrorInfo


struct MemoryWarning


struct StackFrame


Types Aliases


using Ptr = Poco::AutoPtr < JSExecutor >;



DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT = 64 * 1024 * 1024



    const std::string & source,
    const Poco::URI & sourceURI,
    Poco::UInt64 memoryLimit = DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT

Creates the JSExecutor with the given JavaScript source, sourceURI and memoryLimit.


    const std::string & source,
    const Poco::URI & sourceURI,
    const std::vector < std::string > & moduleSearchPaths,
    Poco::UInt64 memoryLimit = DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT

Creates the JSExecutor with the given JavaScript source, sourceURI, module search paths and memoryLimit.


~JSExecutor virtual

virtual ~JSExecutor();

Destroys the JSExecutor.

Member Functions


void addModuleRegistry(
    ModuleRegistry::Ptr pRegistry

Adds a module registry to the collection of registries.

Module registries must be added before the script is executed.


void addModuleSearchPath(
    const std::string & path

Adds a search path to the internal list of search paths.

Module search paths must be added before the script is executed.


void call(
    v8::Handle < v8::Function > & function,
    v8::Handle < v8::Value > & receiver,
    int argc,
    v8::Handle < v8::Value > argv[]

Calls a specific function defined in the script, using the given arguments.

Sets up a script context scope for the call.


void call(
    v8::Persistent < v8::Object > & jsObject,
    const std::string & method,
    const std::string & args

Calls a specific method defined in the given object with the given arguments, which must be given as a JSON string.

Sets up a script context scope for the call.


void call(
    v8::Persistent < v8::Function > & function

Calls a specific function defined in the script, without arguments.

Sets up a script context scope for the call.


void call(
    v8::Persistent < v8::Function > & function,
    v8::Persistent < v8::Array > & args

Calls a specific function defined in the script, with the given arguments, which must be in a JavaScript Array.

Sets up a script context scope for the call.


void callInContext(
    v8::Isolate * pIsolate,
    v8::Local < v8::Context > & context,
    v8::Handle < v8::Function > & function,
    v8::Handle < v8::Value > & receiver,
    int argc,
    v8::Handle < v8::Value > argv[]

Calls a specific function defined in the script, using the given arguments.

A script context scope for the call must have been set up by the caller.


void callInContext(
    v8::Isolate * pIsolate,
    v8::Local < v8::Context > & context,
    v8::Persistent < v8::Object > & jsObject,
    const std::string & method,
    int argc,
    v8::Handle < v8::Value > argv[]

Calls a specific method defined in the given object with the given arguments.

A script context scope for the call must have been set up by the caller.


void cancelTerminate();

Cancels a previous terminate() call.

current static

static Ptr current();

Returns the JSExecutor for the current thread.

globalContext inline

v8::Persistent < v8::Context > & globalContext();

Returns the JSExecutor's global context.

isRunning inline

bool isRunning() const;

Returns true if the JSExecutor is currently executing a script.


bool isTerminating() const;

Returns true if the script is currently terminating due to a call to terminate().

isolate inline

v8::Isolate * isolate();

Returns the JSExecutor's Isolate.

run virtual

void run();

Runs the script.

scriptContext inline

v8::Persistent < v8::Context > & scriptContext();

Returns the JSExecutor's script context.


bool sleep(
    long milliseconds

Sleeps execution for the given number of milliseconds.

Sleep can be interrupted by calling terminate().

Returns true if sleep() was interrupted, otherwise false.

stop virtual

virtual void stop();

Stops the script's execution.

After calling stop(), the JSExecutor can no longer be used to execute a script by calling run() or call().

Will also fire the stopped event.


void terminate();

Terminate the currently running script.

Note that termination is asynchronous. The script may continue to run for some time before actually terminating.

After calling terminate(), the JSExecutor is still usable and execution can be resumed at a later time by calling run() or call().

uri inline

const Poco::URI & uri() const;

Returns the script's source URI.

attachToCurrentThread protected

void attachToCurrentThread();

Attaches the JSExecutor to the current thread. Must be called before any JavaScript code is executed if the JSExecutor is invoked from a different thread it was created in.

buildStackTrace protected

std::vector < StackFrame > buildStackTrace(
    v8::Isolate * pIsolate,
    v8::Local < v8::StackTrace > & stackTrace

cleanup protected

void cleanup();

compile protected

void compile(
    v8::Local < v8::Context > & context

handleError protected virtual

virtual void handleError(
    const ErrorInfo & errorInfo

Called when the JavaScript terminates with an error.

handleMemoryWarning protected virtual

virtual void handleMemoryWarning(
    std::size_t currentHeapLimit,
    std::size_t initialHeapLimit

Called when the script is near its set memory limit.

handleOutOfMemory protected virtual

virtual void handleOutOfMemory(
    std::size_t currentHeapLimit,
    std::size_t initialHeapLimit

Called when the script has exhausted its memory limit and is terminated.

importModule protected

void importModule(
    const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo < v8::Value > & args,
    const std::string & uri

Imports a JavaScript module.

importModule protected

void importModule(
    const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo < v8::Value > & args,
    const std::string & uri,
    Module::Ptr pModule

Imports a native module.

include protected static

static void include(
    const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo < v8::Value > & args

Implements the JavaScript include function to include another script.

includeScript protected

void includeScript(
    v8::Isolate * pIsolate,
    const std::string & uri

Includes another script.

reportError protected

void reportError(
    v8::Isolate * pIsolate,
    v8::TryCatch & tryCatch

reportError protected

void reportError(
    v8::Isolate * pIsolate,
    const ErrorInfo & errorInfo

require protected static

static void require(
    const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo < v8::Value > & args

Implements the JavaScript require function to import a module.

resolveModule protected

Poco::SharedPtr < std::istream > resolveModule(
    const std::string & uri,
    Poco::URI & resolvedURI

Tries to locate the script identified by uri (which may be a relative, partial URI), and returns a stream for reading the script source if the module has not been imported yet, or null if the module has already been imported. If the module URI has been successfully resolved, resolvedURI will contain the fully-qualified URI. If the module URI cannot be successfully resolved, a Poco::NotFoundException will be thrown.

runImpl protected

void runImpl();

scriptCompleted protected virtual

virtual void scriptCompleted();

Called after the script has completed, while still within the scope.

setWrapperProperty protected static inline

template < typename W > static void setWrapperProperty(
    v8::Local < v8::Object > & object,
    v8::Isolate * pIsolate,
    const std::string & name

setWrapperProperty protected static inline

template < typename W, typename N > static void setWrapperProperty(
    v8::Local < v8::Object > & object,
    v8::Isolate * pIsolate,
    const std::string & name,
    N * pNative

setup protected

void setup();

setupGlobalObject protected virtual

virtual void setupGlobalObject(
    v8::Local < v8::Object > & global,
    v8::Isolate * pIsolate

Sets up the script's global object by adding properties to it. Can be overridded by subclasses, but overrides must call the base class method.

Called before initial compilation of the script, after setupGlobalObjectTemplate().

setupGlobalObjectTemplate protected virtual

virtual void setupGlobalObjectTemplate(
    v8::Local < v8::ObjectTemplate > & global,
    v8::Isolate * pIsolate

Set up global JavaScript objects in the global object template. Can be overridded by subclasses, but overrides must call the base class method.

Note that only other object templates or function templates, as well as primitive values may be added to the global object template. Non-primitive types such as objects or arrays must be registered in setupGlobalObject().

Called before initial compilation of the script.



Poco::BasicEvent < const MemoryWarning > memoryWarning;

Fired when the script is using too much memory, exceeding the set heap limit.


Poco::BasicEvent < void > outOfMemory;

Fired when the script has run out of memory because the heap limit has been exceeded, and has therefore been terminated.


Poco::BasicEvent < const ErrorInfo > scriptError;

Fired when the script terminates with an error. Reports the error message as argument.


Poco::BasicEvent < void > stopped;

Fired when the executor has been stopped.

_globalContext protected

v8::Persistent < v8::Context > _globalContext;

_globalObjectTemplate protected

v8::Persistent < v8::ObjectTemplate > _globalObjectTemplate;

_importStack protected

std::vector < Poco::URI > _importStack;

_imports protected

std::set < std::string > _imports;

_moduleRegistries protected

std::vector < ModuleRegistry::Ptr > _moduleRegistries;

_moduleSearchPaths protected

std::vector < std::string > _moduleSearchPaths;

_pCurrentExecutor protected static

static Poco::ThreadLocal < JSExecutor * > _pCurrentExecutor;

_pooledIso protected

Poco::JS::Core::PooledIsolate _pooledIso;

_running protected

Poco::AtomicCounter _running;

_script protected

v8::Persistent < v8::Script > _script;

_scriptContext protected

v8::Persistent < v8::Context > _scriptContext;

_source protected

std::string _source;

_sourceURI protected

Poco::URI _sourceURI;

_terminated protected

Poco::Event _terminated;

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