Classes: DefaultWebSocketFactory, LocalPortForwarder, Protocol, RemotePortForwarder, SocketDispatcher, SocketFactory, SocketHandler, WebSocketFactory
class DefaultWebSocketFactory
The DefaultWebSocketFactory uses the Poco::Net::HTTPSessionFactory to create the Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession, and sets up the Poco::Net::HTTPRequest for HTTP Basic authentication using the given username and password.
class LocalPortForwarder
This class forwards a local port to a remote host, using a WebSocket tunnel connection.
class Protocol
Helper class for implementing the WebTunnel protocol.
class RemotePortForwarder
This class forwards one or more ports to a remote host, using a shared web socket for tunneling the data.
class SocketDispatcher
SocketDispatcher implements a multi-threaded variant of the Reactor pattern, optimized for forwarding data from one socket to another.
class SocketFactory
This class is used by RemotePortForwarder to create a StreamSocket for connecting to the target endpoint.
class SocketHandler
class WebSocketFactory
WebSocketFactory is used by LocalPortForwarder to create a Poco::Net::WebSocket instance for tunneling purposes.