
class SocketDispatcher

File Information

Library: WebTunnel
Package: WebTunnel
Header: Poco/WebTunnel/SocketDispatcher.h


SocketDispatcher implements a multi-threaded variant of the Reactor pattern, optimized for forwarding data from one socket to another.

The SocketDispatcher runs a select() loop in a separate thread. As soon as a socket becomes readable, it will be put into a work queue. A number of worker threads dequeue work queue items and process the data received over the socket, using registered SocketHandler instances.

Member Summary

Member Functions: addSocket, addSocketImpl, closeSocket, closeSocketImpl, exception, exceptionImpl, readable, readableImpl, removeSocket, removeSocketImpl, reset, resetImpl, runMain, runWorker, stop, stopped, timeout, timeoutImpl

Nested Classes

class SocketHandler


struct SocketInfo protected


Types Aliases

SocketMap protected

using SocketMap = std::map < Poco::Net::Socket, SocketInfo::Ptr >;

ThreadPtr protected

using ThreadPtr = Poco::SharedPtr < Poco::Thread >;

ThreadVec protected

using ThreadVec = std::vector < ThreadPtr >;


Anonymous protected





    int threadCount,
    Poco::Timespan timeout = Poco::Timespan (5000),
    int maxReadsPerWorker = 10

Creates the SocketDispatcher, using the given number of worker threads.

The given timeout is used for the main select loop, as well as by workers to poll if more reads are possible, up to the given maximum number of reads per worker.




Destroys the SocketDispatcher.

Member Functions


void addSocket(
    const Poco::Net::StreamSocket & socket,
    SocketHandler::Ptr pHandler,
    Poco::Timespan timeout = 0

Adds a socket and its handler to the SocketDispatcher.


void closeSocket(
    const Poco::Net::StreamSocket & socket

Closes and removes a socket and its associated handler from the SocketDispatcher.


void removeSocket(
    const Poco::Net::StreamSocket & socket

Removes a socket and its associated handler from the SocketDispatcher.


void reset();

Removes all sockets but does not stop the SocketDispatcher.


void stop();

Stops the SocketDispatcher and removes all sockets.

addSocketImpl protected

void addSocketImpl(
    const Poco::Net::StreamSocket & socket,
    SocketHandler::Ptr pHandler,
    Poco::Timespan timeout

closeSocketImpl protected

void closeSocketImpl(
    Poco::Net::StreamSocket & socket

exception protected

void exception(
    const Poco::Net::StreamSocket & socket,
    const SocketInfo::Ptr & pInfo

exceptionImpl protected

void exceptionImpl(
    Poco::Net::StreamSocket & socket,
    SocketInfo::Ptr pInfo

readable protected

void readable(
    const Poco::Net::StreamSocket & socket,
    const SocketInfo::Ptr & pInfo

readableImpl protected

void readableImpl(
    Poco::Net::StreamSocket & socket,
    SocketInfo::Ptr pInfo

removeSocketImpl protected

void removeSocketImpl(
    const Poco::Net::StreamSocket & socket

resetImpl protected

void resetImpl();

runMain protected

void runMain();

runWorker protected

void runWorker();

stopped protected inline

bool stopped();

timeout protected

void timeout(
    const Poco::Net::StreamSocket & socket,
    const SocketInfo::Ptr & pInfo

timeoutImpl protected

void timeoutImpl(
    Poco::Net::StreamSocket & socket,
    SocketInfo::Ptr pInfo

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