
class StreamSocket

File Information

Library: Net
Package: Sockets
Header: Poco/Net/StreamSocket.h


This class provides an interface to a TCP stream socket.


Direct Base Classes: Socket

All Base Classes: Socket

Known Derived Classes: DialogSocket, WebSocket

Member Summary

Member Functions: connect, connectNB, operator =, receiveBytes, sendBytes, sendUrgent, shutdown, shutdownReceive, shutdownSend

Inherited Functions: address, available, close, destroyBufVec, getBlocking, getKeepAlive, getLinger, getNoDelay, getOOBInline, getOption, getReceiveBufferSize, getReceiveTimeout, getReuseAddress, getReusePort, getSendBufferSize, getSendTimeout, impl, init, makeBufVec, makeBuffer, operator !=, operator <, operator <=, operator =, operator ==, operator >, operator >=, peerAddress, poll, secure, select, setBlocking, setKeepAlive, setLinger, setNoDelay, setOOBInline, setOption, setReceiveBufferSize, setReceiveTimeout, setReuseAddress, setReusePort, setSendBufferSize, setSendTimeout, sockfd, supportsIPv4, supportsIPv6




Creates an unconnected stream socket.

Before sending or receiving data, the socket must be connected with a call to connect().


explicit StreamSocket(
    const SocketAddress & address

Creates a stream socket and connects it to the socket specified by address.


explicit StreamSocket(
    SocketAddress::Family family

Creates an unconnected stream socket for the given address family.

This is useful if certain socket options (like send and receive buffer) sizes, that must be set before connecting the socket, will be set later on.


    const Socket & socket

Creates the StreamSocket with the SocketImpl from another socket. The SocketImpl must be a StreamSocketImpl, otherwise an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.


    SocketImpl * pImpl

Creates the Socket and attaches the given SocketImpl. The socket takes ownership of the SocketImpl.

The SocketImpl must be a StreamSocketImpl, otherwise an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.


~StreamSocket virtual

virtual ~StreamSocket();

Destroys the StreamSocket.

Member Functions


void connect(
    const SocketAddress & address

Initializes the socket and establishes a connection to the TCP server at the given address.

Can also be used for UDP sockets. In this case, no connection is established. Instead, incoming and outgoing packets are restricted to the specified address.


void connect(
    const SocketAddress & address,
    const Poco::Timespan & timeout

Initializes the socket, sets the socket timeout and establishes a connection to the TCP server at the given address.


void connectNB(
    const SocketAddress & address

Initializes the socket and establishes a connection to the TCP server at the given address. Prior to opening the connection the socket is set to nonblocking mode.

operator =

StreamSocket & operator = (
    const Socket & socket

Assignment operator.

Releases the socket's SocketImpl and attaches the SocketImpl from the other socket and increments the reference count of the SocketImpl.


int receiveBytes(
    void * buffer,
    int length,
    int flags = 0

Receives data from the socket and stores it in buffer. Up to length bytes are received.

Returns the number of bytes received. A return value of 0 means a graceful shutdown of the connection from the peer.

Throws a TimeoutException if a receive timeout has been set and nothing is received within that interval. Throws a NetException (or a subclass) in case of other errors.

The flags parameter can be used to pass system-defined flags for recv() like MSG_OOB, MSG_PEEK or MSG_WAITALL.


int receiveBytes(
    SocketBufVec & buffer,
    int flags = 0

Receives data from the socket and stores it in buffers.

Returns the number of bytes received.

The flags parameter can be used to pass system-defined flags for recv() like MSG_OOB, MSG_PEEK or MSG_WAITALL.


int receiveBytes(
    Poco::Buffer < char > & buffer,
    int flags = 0,
    const Poco::Timespan & timeout = 100000

Receives data from the socket and stores it in buffers.

Returns the number of bytes received.

The flags parameter can be used to pass system-defined flags for recv() like MSG_OOB, MSG_PEEK or MSG_WAITALL.


int receiveBytes(
    Poco::FIFOBuffer & buffer

Receives data from the socket and stores it in buffer. Up to length bytes are received. FIFOBuffer has writable/readable transition notifications which may be enabled to notify the caller when the buffer transitions between empty, partially full and full states.

Returns the number of bytes received. A return value of 0 means a graceful shutdown of the connection from the peer.

Throws a TimeoutException if a receive timeout has been set and nothing is received within that interval. Throws a NetException (or a subclass) in case of other errors.


int sendBytes(
    const void * buffer,
    int length,
    int flags = 0

Sends the contents of the given buffer through the socket.

Returns the number of bytes sent, which may be less than the number of bytes specified.

Certain socket implementations may also return a negative value denoting a certain condition.

The flags parameter can be used to pass system-defined flags for send() like MSG_OOB.


int sendBytes(
    const SocketBufVec & buffer,
    int flags = 0

Sends the contents of the given buffers through the socket.

Returns the number of bytes sent, which may be less than the number of bytes specified.

The flags parameter can be used to pass system-defined flags for send() like MSG_OOB.


int sendBytes(
    Poco::FIFOBuffer & buffer

Sends the contents of the given buffer through the socket. FIFOBuffer has writable/readable transition notifications which may be enabled to notify the caller when the buffer transitions between empty, partially full and full states.

Returns the number of bytes sent, which may be less than the number of bytes specified.

Certain socket implementations may also return a negative value denoting a certain condition.

The flags parameter can be used to pass system-defined flags for send() like MSG_OOB.


void sendUrgent(
    unsigned char data

Sends one byte of urgent data through the socket.

The data is sent with the MSG_OOB flag.

The preferred way for a socket to receive urgent data is by enabling the SO_OOBINLINE option.


void shutdown();

Shuts down both the receiving and the sending part of the socket connection.


void shutdownReceive();

Shuts down the receiving part of the socket connection.


void shutdownSend();

Shuts down the sending part of the socket connection.

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