
class StreamSocketImpl

File Information

Library: Net
Package: Sockets
Header: Poco/Net/StreamSocketImpl.h


This class implements a TCP socket.


Direct Base Classes: SocketImpl

All Base Classes: SocketImpl, Poco::RefCountedObject

Known Derived Classes: WebSocketImpl

Member Summary

Member Functions: sendBytes

Inherited Functions: acceptConnection, address, available, bind, bind6, checkBrokenTimeout, close, connect, connectNB, duplicate, error, fcntl, getBlocking, getBroadcast, getKeepAlive, getLinger, getNoDelay, getOOBInline, getOption, getRawOption, getReceiveBufferSize, getReceiveTimeout, getReuseAddress, getReusePort, getSendBufferSize, getSendTimeout, init, initSocket, initialized, ioctl, lastError, listen, peerAddress, poll, receiveBytes, receiveFrom, referenceCount, release, reset, secure, sendBytes, sendTo, sendUrgent, setBlocking, setBroadcast, setKeepAlive, setLinger, setNoDelay, setOOBInline, setOption, setRawOption, setReceiveBufferSize, setReceiveTimeout, setReuseAddress, setReusePort, setSendBufferSize, setSendTimeout, shutdown, shutdownReceive, shutdownSend, socketError, sockfd




Creates a StreamSocketImpl.


explicit StreamSocketImpl(
    SocketAddress::Family addressFamily

Creates a SocketImpl, with the underlying socket initialized for the given address family.


    int sockfd

Creates a StreamSocketImpl using the given native socket.


~StreamSocketImpl protected virtual

virtual ~StreamSocketImpl();

Member Functions

sendBytes virtual

virtual int sendBytes(
    const void * buffer,
    int length,
    int flags = 0

Ensures that all data in buffer is sent if the socket is blocking. In case of a non-blocking socket, sends as many bytes as possible.

Returns the number of bytes sent. The return value may also be negative to denote some special condition.

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