Library FastInfoset

Package FastInfoset


Classes: BitStreamReader, BitStreamWriter, Converter, Decoder, DecodingAlgorithm, DocumentRestrictedAlphabet, DocumentVocabulary, Encoder, EncodingAlgorithm, FISEncodingException, FISException, FISParseException, HashVocabulary, MapVocabulary, Notation, OpenHeaderParts, QualifiedNameEntry, RestrictedAlphabet, StringDecoder, UnparsedEntity, Utility, VectorVocabulary, VerbTable, Vocabulary


class BitStreamReader

A BitStreamReader reads single bits from the input stream. 

class BitStreamWriter

A BitStreamWriter writes single bits to the encapsulated output stream. 

class Converter

The Converter class provides convenience methods for converting from Fast Infoset to XML and vice versa. 

class Decoder

A Utility class to decode trivial FastInfoset data types. 

class DecodingAlgorithm

DecodingAlgorithm bundles all decoding algorithms supported by FastInfoset standard (like hex encoding, int encoding, uuid encoding. 

class DocumentRestrictedAlphabet

DocumentRestrictedAlphabet stores the prefined simple vocabularies for numeric or date time de-/encoding. 

class DocumentVocabulary

DocumentVocabulary groups together all vocabularies used when de-/encoding a FISDocument. 

class Encoder

Encoder class contains utility functions for encoding simple FIS data types. 

class EncodingAlgorithm

Groups together different encoding algorithms as defined by the FastInfoset standard. 

class FISEncodingException


class FISException


class FISParseException


class HashVocabulary

An implementation of Vocabulary using a hash table. 

class MapVocabulary

An implementation of Vocabulary using a map. 

class Notation

Stores data for a Notation event. 

struct OpenHeaderParts


class QualifiedNameEntry

A QualifiedNameEntry represents a XML qualified name. 

class RestrictedAlphabet

A RestrictedAlphabet consists of a sequence of single characters, the position of each character is equal to the integer value used to encode it. 

class StringDecoder

StringDecoder decodes strings. 

class UnparsedEntity

Stores data fro an UnparsedEntity event 

class Utility

The Utility class contains commonly used constants and helper methods. 

class VectorVocabulary


class VerbTable

This is a vector class template providing minimal features required for use with a FastInfoset Vocabulary. 

class Vocabulary

A Vocabulary allows to map values to indices and vice versa. 

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