
class BitStreamReader

File Information

Library: FastInfoset
Package: FastInfoset
Header: Poco/FastInfoset/BitStreamReader.h


A BitStreamReader reads single bits from the input stream. Single bits are read in highest bits first order, i.e. if 8 bits are read, the first bit is read from bit position 7 and the last one from bit position 0. If data types larger than a byte are read, they are deserialized as big endian numbers, i.e. byte n-1, then n-2,... 1, 0. String types are read starting with the first character.

Member Summary

Member Functions: bitPos, eof, peek, read, skip, skipToByteStart



    std::istream & inStream

Creates the BitStreamReader. Bits are read from inStream.


    const char * pBuffer,
    std::size_t size

Creates the BitStreamReader. Bits are read from the given buffer.




Destroys the BitStreamReader.

Member Functions

bitPos inline

int bitPos() const;

Returns the bit position in relation to the current byte. I.e., numBitsRead % 8

eof inline

bool eof() const;

Returns true if End-Of-File was encountered.

peek inline

bool peek(
    char & value,
    int numBits

Peek ahead the number of bits which the next read would return.


bool peek(
    Poco::UInt8 & value,
    int numBits

Peek ahead the number of bits which the next read would return.

read inline

bool read(
    bool & value

Reads one single bit from the stream.


bool read(
    char & value,
    int numBits

Reads numBits from the stream and puts them as the first bits of value.

Example: Reading the 4 bits 1111b(15d), will result in value = 15.


bool read(
    std::string & str,
    std::size_t numCharacters

Clears str and reads the number of defined characters from the stream into str.


bool read(
    Poco::UInt8 & value,
    int numBits

Reads numBits from the stream and sets them as the lowest numBits bits of value.


bool read(
    Poco::UInt16 & value,
    int numBits

Reads numBits from the stream and sets them as the lowest numBits bits of value.


bool read(
    Poco::UInt32 & value,
    int numBits

Reads numBits from the stream and sets them as the lowest numBits bits of value.


bool read(
    Poco::UInt64 & value,
    int numBits

Reads numBits from the stream and sets them as the lowest numBits bits of value.


bool read(
    Poco::Int8 & value,
    int numBits

Reads numBits from the stream and sets them as the lowest numBits bits of value.


bool read(
    Poco::Int16 & value,
    int numBits

Reads numBits from the stream and sets them as the lowest numBits bits of value.


bool read(
    Poco::Int32 & value,
    int numBits

Reads numBits from the stream and sets them as the lowest numBits bits of value.


bool read(
    Poco::Int64 & value,
    int numBits

Reads numBits from the stream and sets them as the lowest numBits bits of value.

skip inline

void skip(
    int n

Skips over n bits.

skipToByteStart inline

void skipToByteStart();

Skips until we are at the beginning of a byte, i.e. bitPos() == 0.

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