class DNSSDBrowser

File Information

Library: DNSSD
Package: Core
Header: Poco/DNSSD/DNSSDBrowser.h


The DNSSDBrowser class allows browsing for services, domains and records, resolving services and error handling. Browse and resolve operations are asynchronous. Discovered services, records and domains, as well as error conditions are reported via events.

A DNSSDBrowser object is never created directly. It can be obtained from the DNSSDResponder by calling the DNSSDResponder::serviceBrowser() method.

A note on implementing event handlers: An event handler should complete its work and return as quick as possible, otherwise it may interfere with DNS-SD processing. An event handler should never wait for other events to happen. Specifically, it must never wait for an other DNSSDBrowser event to happen, as this will result in a deadlock.


Known Derived Classes: Poco::DNSSD::Bonjour::BonjourBrowserImpl, Poco::DNSSD::Avahi::AvahiBrowserImpl

Member Summary

Member Functions: browse, cancel, enumerateBrowseDomains, enumerateRegistrationDomains, queryRecord, resolve, resolveHost

Nested Classes

struct CommonEventArgs


struct DomainEventArgs


struct ErrorEventArgs


struct RecordEventArgs


struct ResolveHostEventArgs


struct ServiceEventArgs




Flags reported in event arguments.


This flag signals that more events will follow immediately. For the application this means for example that updates to the user interface can be delayed until an event is fired that does not have this flag set.


Options for browsing, resolving and DNS queries.


Attempt to resolve the service on the interface it was discovered on only.


Attempt to resolve the service on all interfaces.


Force query to be performed with a link-local mDNS query, even if the name is an apparently non-local name (i.e. a name not ending in ".local.").


Create a "long-lived" unicast query in a non-local domain. Without enabling this option, unicast queries will be one-shot — that is, only answers available at the time of the call will be returned. By setting this flag, answers that become available after the initial call is made will generate events. This flag has no effect on link-local multicast queries.


DNSSDBrowser protected



~DNSSDBrowser protected virtual

virtual ~DNSSDBrowser();

Member Functions

browse virtual

virtual BrowseHandle browse(
    const std::string & regType,
    const std::string & domain,
    int options = 0,
    Poco::Int32 networkInterface = 0
) = 0;

Browse for a service type on a specific network interface, given by its index in networkInterface. An interface with index 0 can be specified to search on all interfaces.

  • regType specifies the service type and protocol, separated by a dot (e.g., "_ftp._tcp"). The transport protocol must be either "_tcp" or "_udp". Optionally, a single subtype may be specified to perform filtered browsing: e.g. browsing for "_primarytype._tcp,_subtype" will discover only those instances of "_primarytype._tcp" that were registered specifying "_subtype" in their list of registered subtypes.
  • domain specifies the domain on which to browse for services. If an empty string is specified, the default domain(s) will be browsed.
  • options should be 0, as no browse options are currently supported.

Results will be reported asynchronously via the serviceFound, serviceRemoved and serviceError events.

The returned BrowseHandle can be passed to cancel() to cancel browsing.

Note: It is possible to enumerate all service types registered on the local network by browsing for the special regType "_services._dns-sd._udp". Available service types will be reported with the Service object's name containing the service type (e.g., "_ftp") and the Service's type containing the protocol and domain (e.g., "_tcp.local.").

cancel virtual

virtual void cancel(
    BrowseHandle & browseHandle
) = 0;

Cancels the browse or resolve activity associated with the given BrowseHandle.

The BrowseHandle is invalidated.

enumerateBrowseDomains virtual

virtual BrowseHandle enumerateBrowseDomains(
    Poco::Int32 networkInterface = 0
) = 0;

Discovers domains for browse operations on the given interface, given by its index. An interface with index 0 can be specified to search on all interfaces.

Results will be sent asnychronously via the browseDomainFound, browseDomainRemoved and browseDomainError events.

enumerateRegistrationDomains virtual

virtual BrowseHandle enumerateRegistrationDomains(
    Poco::Int32 networkInterface = 0
) = 0;

Discovers domains for service registration on the given interface, given by its index. An interface with index 0 can be specified to search on all interfaces.

Results will be sent asnychronously via the registrationDomainFound, registrationDomainRemoved and registrationDomainError events.

The returned BrowseHandle can be passed to cancel() to cancel resolving.

queryRecord virtual

virtual BrowseHandle queryRecord(
    const std::string & name,
    Poco::UInt16 type,
    Poco::UInt16 clazz = Record::RC_IN,
    int options = 0,
    Poco::Int32 networkInterface = 0
) = 0;

Starts a query for a DNS record, specified by name, type and clazz, on the specified interface, given by its index. An interface with index 0 can be specified to search on all interfaces.

  • name specifies the full domain name of the record.
  • type specifies the record's type (e.g., RT_PTR). Suitable values can be found in the RecordType enumeration.
  • clazz specifies the record's class (usually RC_IN).

Results will be sent asnychronously via the recordFound, recordRemoved and recordError events.

The returned BrowseHandle can be passed to cancel() to cancel the query.

resolve virtual

virtual BrowseHandle resolve(
    const Service & service,
) = 0;

Resolves the service specified by the given Service object. The given Service object must be one obtained via the serviceFound event.

Results will be sent asnychronously via the serviceResolved and resolveError events.

If RESOLVE_ON_ALL_INTERFACES is specified in options, resolving will be attempted on all network interfaces. Otherwise, if RESOLVE_ON_DISCOVERED_INTERFACE is specified, resolving will only be attempted on the interfaces on which the service has been discovered.

The returned BrowseHandle can be passed to cancel() to cancel resolving. However, this should be done before either the serviceResolved or resolveError event has been fired. In practice, this has high potential for a race condition, so calling cancel() with a BrowseHandle returned from this function is not recommended. After either the serviceResolved or resolveError event has been fired, the returned BrowseHandle is no longer valid.

resolveHost virtual

virtual BrowseHandle resolveHost(
    const std::string & host,
    int options = 0,
    Poco::Int32 networkInterface = 0
) = 0;

Resolves the given host name. The given host name should have been obtained by resolving a service. An interface with index 0 can be specified to search on all interfaces.

  • host specifies the hostname to resolve. It should be a hostname obtained by resolving a service.
  • options can be 0 or BROWSE_FORCE_MULTICAST.

This should be used instead of Poco::Net::DNS to resolve host names via Multicast DNS, if the system's domain name resolver does not support Multicast DNS.

Results will be sent asnychronously via the hostResolved and hostResolveError events.

The returned BrowseHandle can be passed to cancel() to cancel resolving. However, this should be done before either the hostResolved or hostResolveError event has been fired. In practice, this has high potential for a race condition, so calling cancel() with a BrowseHandle returned from this function is not recommended. After either the hostResolved or hostResolveError event has been fired, the returned BrowseHandle is no longer valid.



Poco::BasicEvent < const ErrorEventArgs > browseDomainError;

Fired when an error occures while browsing for browse domains.

The specific error condition can be found by looking at the Error object in the argument.


Poco::BasicEvent < const DomainEventArgs > browseDomainFound;

Fired when a browse domain has been found.


Poco::BasicEvent < const DomainEventArgs > browseDomainRemoved;

Fired when a browse domain has been removed and is no longer available.


Poco::BasicEvent < const ErrorEventArgs > browseError;

Fired when an error occures while browsing for services.

The specific error condition can be found by looking at the Error object in the argument.


Poco::BasicEvent < const ErrorEventArgs > hostResolveError;

Fired when an error occurs while resolving a host name.

The specific error condition can be found by looking at the Error object in the argument.


Poco::BasicEvent < const ResolveHostEventArgs > hostResolved;

Fired when a host name has been resolved.


Poco::BasicEvent < const ErrorEventArgs > recordError;

Fired when an error occures while browsing for a record type.

The specific error condition can be found by looking at the Error object in the argument.


Poco::BasicEvent < const RecordEventArgs > recordFound;

Fired when a record has been found.


Poco::BasicEvent < const RecordEventArgs > recordRemoved;

Fired when a record has been removed and is no longer available.


Poco::BasicEvent < const ErrorEventArgs > registrationDomainError;

Fired when an error occures while browsing for registration domains.

The specific error condition can be found by looking at the Error object in the argument.


Poco::BasicEvent < const DomainEventArgs > registrationDomainFound;

Fired when a registration domain has been found.


Poco::BasicEvent < const DomainEventArgs > registrationDomainRemoved;

Fired when a registration domain has been removed and is no longer available.


Poco::BasicEvent < const ErrorEventArgs > resolveError;

Fired when an error occures while resolving a service.

The specific error condition can be found by looking at the ServiceError object in the argument.


Poco::BasicEvent < const ServiceEventArgs > serviceFound;

Fired when a service has been found.

The Service object given in the argument can be passed to resolve() to resolve the service, and to obtain the service's host and port number.


Poco::BasicEvent < const ServiceEventArgs > serviceRemoved;

Fired when a service has been removed and is no longer available.

The Service object given in the argument can be passed to resolve() to resolve the service, and to obtain the service's host and port number.


Poco::BasicEvent < const ServiceEventArgs > serviceResolved;

Fired when a service has been successfully resolved.

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