class S7PLCClientRemoteObject

File Information

Library: IoT/S7PLC
Package: Generated
Header: IoT/S7PLC/S7PLCClientRemoteObject.h


Step7 PLC Client Interface.


Direct Base Classes: IS7PLCClient, Poco::RemotingNG::RemoteObject

All Base Classes: IS7PLCClient, Poco::OSP::Service, Poco::RefCountedObject, Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable, Poco::RemotingNG::RemoteObject

Member Summary

Member Functions: abRead, abWrite, address, coldStart, connect, connected, dbRead, dbWrite, disconnect, ebRead, ebWrite, getCPUInfo, getDateTime, getOrderInfo, getStatus, hotStart, listBlocks, mbRead, mbWrite, rack, readByte, readDInt, readDWord, readFloat, readInt, readVariables, readWord, remoting__typeId, slot, stop, writeByte, writeDInt, writeDWord, writeFloat, writeInt, writeWord

Inherited Functions: abRead, abWrite, address, coldStart, connect, connected, dbRead, dbWrite, disconnect, duplicate, ebRead, ebWrite, getCPUInfo, getDateTime, getOrderInfo, getStatus, hotStart, isA, listBlocks, mbRead, mbWrite, mutex, rack, readByte, readDInt, readDWord, readFloat, readInt, readVariables, readWord, referenceCount, release, remoting__enableRemoteEvents, remoting__getURI, remoting__hasEvents, remoting__objectId, remoting__setURI, remoting__typeId, slot, stop, type, writeByte, writeDInt, writeDWord, writeFloat, writeInt, writeWord

Types Aliases


using Ptr = Poco::AutoPtr < S7PLCClientRemoteObject >;



    const Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable::ObjectId & oid,
    Poco::SharedPtr < IoT::S7PLC::S7PLCClient > pServiceObject


~S7PLCClientRemoteObject virtual

virtual ~S7PLCClientRemoteObject();

Destroys the S7PLCClientRemoteObject.

Member Functions

abRead virtual inline

std::vector < char > abRead(
    int start,
    int size

Performs a AB ("Ausgang"/output, bytewise) read operation.

abWrite virtual inline

virtual void abWrite(
    int start,
    const std::vector < char > & data

Performs a AB ("Ausgang"/output, bytewise) write operation.

address virtual inline

virtual std::string address() const;

Returns the PLC address.

coldStart virtual inline

virtual void coldStart();

Performs a cold start.

connect virtual inline

virtual void connect();

Connects to the PLC.

connected virtual inline

virtual bool connected() const;

Returns true if the client is connected to the PLC, otherwise false.

dbRead virtual inline

std::vector < char > dbRead(
    int dbNumber,
    int start,
    int size

Performs a DB ("Datenbaustein"/data block, bytewise) read operation.

dbWrite virtual inline

virtual void dbWrite(
    int dbNumber,
    int start,
    const std::vector < char > & data

Performs a DB ("Datenbaustein"/data block, bytewise) write operation.

disconnect virtual inline

virtual void disconnect();

Disconnects from the PLC.

ebRead virtual inline

std::vector < char > ebRead(
    int start,
    int size

Performs a EB ("Eingang"/input, bytewise) read operation.

ebWrite virtual inline

virtual void ebWrite(
    int start,
    const std::vector < char > & data

Performs a EB ("Eingang"/input, bytewise) write operation.

getCPUInfo virtual inline

IoT::S7PLC::CPUInfo getCPUInfo();

Returns CPU information.

getDateTime virtual inline

virtual Poco::DateTime getDateTime();

Returns the PLC's date and time.

getOrderInfo virtual inline

IoT::S7PLC::OrderInfo getOrderInfo();

Returns order code and version information.

getStatus virtual inline

IoT::S7PLC::PLCStatus getStatus();

Returns the PLC status.

hotStart virtual inline

virtual void hotStart();

Performs a hot start.

listBlocks virtual inline

IoT::S7PLC::BlockInfo listBlocks();

Returns information about available blocks.

mbRead virtual inline

std::vector < char > mbRead(
    int start,
    int size

Performs a MB ("Merker"/mnemonic, bytewise) read operation.

mbWrite virtual inline

virtual void mbWrite(
    int start,
    const std::vector < char > & data

Performs a MB ("Merker"/mnemonic, bytewise) write operation.

rack virtual inline

virtual int rack() const;

Returns the PLC rack number.

readByte virtual inline

virtual Poco::UInt8 readByte(
    int dbNumber,
    int address

Reads a single byte from a data block.

readDInt virtual inline

virtual Poco::Int32 readDInt(
    int dbNumber,
    int address

Reads a single 32-bit integer from a data block.

readDWord virtual inline

virtual Poco::UInt32 readDWord(
    int dbNumber,
    int address

Reads a single 32-bit double word from a data block.

readFloat virtual inline

virtual float readFloat(
    int dbNumber,
    int address

Reads a single 32-bit float from a data block.

readInt virtual inline

virtual Poco::Int16 readInt(
    int dbNumber,
    int address

Reads a single 16-bit integer from a data block.

readVariables virtual inline

std::vector < double > readVariables(
    int dbNumber,
    const std::vector < IoT::S7PLC::VariableDescriptor > & descriptors

Reads multiple variables specified by descriptors and converts them to double values, optionally applying a scale (slope) and offset (intercept).

readWord virtual inline

virtual Poco::UInt16 readWord(
    int dbNumber,
    int address

Reads a single 16-bit word from a data block.

remoting__typeId virtual inline

virtual const Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable::TypeId & remoting__typeId() const;

slot virtual inline

virtual int slot() const;

Returns the PLC slot number.

stop virtual inline

virtual void stop();

Stops the PLC.

writeByte virtual inline

virtual void writeByte(
    int dbNumber,
    int address,
    Poco::UInt8 value

Writes a single byte to a data block.

writeDInt virtual inline

virtual void writeDInt(
    int dbNumber,
    int address,
    Poco::Int32 value

Writes a single 32-bit integer to a data block.

writeDWord virtual inline

virtual void writeDWord(
    int dbNumber,
    int address,
    Poco::UInt32 value

Writes a single 32-bit double word to a data block.

writeFloat virtual inline

virtual void writeFloat(
    int dbNumber,
    int address,
    float value

Writes a single 32-bit float to a data block.

writeInt virtual inline

virtual void writeInt(
    int dbNumber,
    int address,
    Poco::Int16 value

Writes a single 16-bit integer to a data block.

writeWord virtual inline

virtual void writeWord(
    int dbNumber,
    int address,
    Poco::UInt16 value

Writes a single 16-bit word to a data block.

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