class IMQTTClient

File Information

Library: IoT/MQTT
Package: Generated
Header: IoT/MQTT/IMQTTClient.h


The interface for MQTT clients.

Implementations are expected to receive their client ID and server URI via an implementation defined configuration mechanism. Once configured, a MQTTClient always uses the same client ID and connects to the same server. A MQTT client should automatically attempt to reconnect if the connection to the server is lost.

A single client instance can either support MQTT version 3.1/3.1.1 or version 5. Which MQTT version is supported by the client is determined when configuring the client.

Users of the class must call the appropriate methods supporting the client's configured MQTT version.


Direct Base Classes: Poco::OSP::Service

All Base Classes: Poco::OSP::Service, Poco::RefCountedObject

Known Derived Classes: MQTTClientRemoteObject

Member Summary

Member Functions: connect, connect5, connectAsync, connectAsync5, connected, connectionInfo, disconnect, disconnect5, id, isA, mqttVersion, pendingDeliveryTokens, publish, publish5, publishMessage, publishMessage5, remoting__enableEvents, remoting__typeId, serverURI, statistics, subscribe, subscribe5, subscribeMany, subscribeMany5, subscribedTopics, type, unsubscribe, unsubscribe5, unsubscribeMany, unsubscribeMany5, waitForCompletion

Inherited Functions: duplicate, isA, referenceCount, release, type

Types Aliases


using Ptr = Poco::AutoPtr < IMQTTClient >;




Creates a IMQTTClient.


~IMQTTClient virtual

virtual ~IMQTTClient();

Destroys the IMQTTClient.

Member Functions

connect virtual

virtual IoT::MQTT::ConnectionInfo connect() = 0;

Connects to the server if not already connected.

Normally, the client connects automatically when a message is published or a topic is subscribed to.

Returns a ConnectionInfo object containing information about the connection.

Fires the connected event if successful.

Throws a Poco::IOException if the connection cannot be established.

This method is only supported for MQTT 3.1 and 3.1.1.

connect5 virtual

virtual IoT::MQTT::ConnectionInfo connect5(
    const std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > & connectProperties = std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > (),
    const std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > & willProperties = std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > ()
) = 0;

MQTT V5 version of connect().

Connects to the server if not already connected.

MQTT V5 connect and will properties can be specified.

Normally, the client connects automatically when a message is published or a topic is subscribed to.

Returns a ConnectionInfo object containing information about the connection.

Fires the connected event if successful.

Throws a Poco::IOException if the connection cannot be established.

This method is only supported for MQTT 5.

connectAsync virtual

virtual void connectAsync() = 0;

Connects to the server if not already connected.

Connecting will be done asynchronously in a background thread.

A successful connection will be reported by firing the connected event.

This method is only supported for MQTT 3.1 and 3.1.1.

connectAsync5 virtual

virtual void connectAsync5(
    const std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > & connectProperties = std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > (),
    const std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > & willProperties = std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > ()
) = 0;

MQTT V5 version of connectAsync().

Connects to the server if not already connected.

MQTT V5 connect and will properties can be specified.

Connecting will be done asynchronously in a background thread.

A successful connection will be reported by firing the connected event.

This method is only supported for MQTT 5.

connected virtual

virtual bool connected() const = 0;

Returns true if the client is currently connected to the server.

This method is supported for all MQTT versions.

connectionInfo virtual

virtual IoT::MQTT::ConnectionInfo connectionInfo() const = 0;

Returns a ConnectionInfo structure describing the currently active connection. If not connected, the ConnectionInfo's serverURI will be empty.

This method is only supported for all MQTT versions.

disconnect virtual

virtual void disconnect(
    int timeout
) = 0;

Disconnects from the server.

In order to allow the client time to complete handling of messages that are in-flight when this function is called, a timeout period is specified (in milliseconds). When the timeout period has expired, the client disconnects even if there are still outstanding message acknowledgements. The next time the client connects to the same server, any QoS 1 or 2 messages which have not completed will be retried depending on the clean session settings for both the previous and the new connection.

This method is only supported for MQTT 3.1 and 3.1.1.

disconnect5 virtual

virtual void disconnect5(
    int timeout,
    IoT::MQTT::ReasonCode reason = IoT::MQTT::ReasonCode (IoT::MQTT::REASON_NORMAL_DISCONNECTION),
    const std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > & properties = std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > ()
) = 0;

MQTT V5 version of disconnect().

Disconnects from the server.

MQTT V5 reason code and properties can be given.

In order to allow the client time to complete handling of messages that are in-flight when this function is called, a timeout period is specified (in milliseconds). When the timeout period has expired, the client disconnects even if there are still outstanding message acknowledgements. The next time the client connects to the same server, any QoS 1 or 2 messages which have not completed will be retried depending on the clean session settings for both the previous and the new connection.

This method is only supported for MQTT 5.

id virtual

virtual const std::string & id() const = 0;

Returns the configured client ID.

This method is only supported for all MQTT versions.

isA virtual

bool isA(
    const std::type_info & otherType
) const;

Returns true if the class is a subclass of the class given by otherType.

mqttVersion virtual

virtual int mqttVersion() const = 0;

Returns the MQTT version supported by this client.

Possible return values are:

  • 0: client supports version 3.1 and 3.1.1
  • 3: client supports only version 3.1
  • 4: client supports only version 3.1.1
  • 5: client supports only version 5

pendingDeliveryTokens virtual

virtual std::vector < int > pendingDeliveryTokens() = 0;

Returns a vector containing the delivery tokens for all messages still pending delivery.

This method is only supported for all MQTT versions.

publish virtual

virtual int publish(
    const std::string & topic,
    const std::string & payload,
    int qos = int (0)
) = 0;

Publishes the given message on the given topic, using the given QoS.

Returns a delivery token which can be used with the messageDelivered event to verify that the message has been delivered.

Throws a Poco::IOException if the message cannot be published.

This method is only supported for MQTT 3.1 and 3.1.1.

publish5 virtual

virtual IoT::MQTT::PublishResult publish5(
    const std::string & topic,
    const std::string & payload,
    int qos = int (0),
    bool retained = bool (false),
    const std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > & properties = std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > ()
) = 0;

MQTT V5 version of publish().

Publishes the given message on the given topic, using the given QoS.

Returns a PublishResult containing the result of the operation, as well as the delivery token, which can be used with the messageDelivered event to verify that the message has been delivered.

Throws a Poco::IOException if the message cannot be published.

This method is only supported for MQTT 5.

publishMessage virtual

virtual int publishMessage(
    const std::string & topic,
    const IoT::MQTT::Message & message
) = 0;

Publishes the given message on the given topic.

Returns a delivery token which can be used with the messageDelivered event to verify that the message has been delivered.

Throws a Poco::IOException if the message cannot be published.

This method is only supported for MQTT 3.1 and 3.1.1.

publishMessage5 virtual

virtual IoT::MQTT::PublishResult publishMessage5(
    const std::string & topic,
    const IoT::MQTT::Message & message
) = 0;

MQTT V5 version of publishMessage().

Publishes the given message on the given topic.

Returns a PublishResult containing the result of the operation, as well as the delivery token, which can be used with the messageDelivered event to verify that the message has been delivered.

Throws a Poco::IOException if the message cannot be published.

This method is only supported for MQTT 5.

remoting__enableEvents virtual

virtual std::string remoting__enableEvents(
    Poco::RemotingNG::Listener::Ptr pListener,
    bool enable = bool (true)
) = 0;

Enable or disable delivery of remote events.

The given Listener instance must implement the Poco::RemotingNG::EventListener interface, otherwise this method will fail with a RemotingException.

This method is only used with Proxy objects; calling this method on a RemoteObject will do nothing.

remoting__typeId static

static const Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable::TypeId & remoting__typeId();

Returns the TypeId of the class.

serverURI virtual

virtual const std::string & serverURI() const = 0;

Returns the configured server URI.

This method is only supported for all MQTT versions.

statistics virtual

virtual IoT::MQTT::Statistics statistics() const = 0;

Returns statistics about published and received topics and message counts.

This method is only supported for all MQTT versions.

subscribe virtual

virtual void subscribe(
    const std::string & topic,
    int qos = int (0)
) = 0;

This function attempts to subscribe the client to a single topic, which may contain wildcards. This call also specifies the Quality of service requested for the subscription.

Throws a Poco::IOException if there was a problem registering the subscription.

This method is only supported for MQTT 3.1 and 3.1.1.

subscribe5 virtual

virtual IoT::MQTT::Response subscribe5(
    const std::string & topic,
    int qos = int (0),
    const IoT::MQTT::SubscribeOptions & options = IoT::MQTT::SubscribeOptions (),
    const std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > & properties = std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > ()
) = 0;

MQTT V5 version of subscribe(), which allows to specify options and properties.

This function attempts to subscribe the client to a single topic, which may contain wildcards. This call also specifies the Quality of service requested for the subscription.

Throws a Poco::IOException if there was a problem registering the subscription.

This method is only supported for MQTT 5.

subscribeMany virtual

virtual void subscribeMany(
    const std::vector < IoT::MQTT::TopicQoS > & topicsAndQoS
) = 0;

This function attempts to subscribe the client to a list of topics (with associated QoS levels), which may contain wildcards.

Throws a Poco::IOException if there was a problem registering the subscriptions.

This method is only supported for MQTT 3.1 and 3.1.1.

subscribeMany5 virtual

virtual IoT::MQTT::Response subscribeMany5(
    const std::vector < IoT::MQTT::TopicQoS > & topicsAndQoS,
    const IoT::MQTT::SubscribeOptions & options = IoT::MQTT::SubscribeOptions (),
    const std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > & properties = std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > ()
) = 0;

MQTT V5 version of subscribeMany(), which allows to specify options and properties.

This function attempts to subscribe the client to a list of topics (with associated QoS levels), which may contain wildcards.

Throws a Poco::IOException if there was a problem registering the subscriptions.

This method is only supported for MQTT 5.

subscribedTopics virtual

virtual std::vector < IoT::MQTT::TopicQoS > subscribedTopics() const = 0;

Returns a vector containing all currently subscribed topics with their QoS level.

This method is supported for all MQTT versions.

type virtual

const std::type_info & type() const;

Returns the type information for the object's class.

unsubscribe virtual

virtual void unsubscribe(
    const std::string & topic
) = 0;

This function attempts to remove an existing subscription made by the client.

Throws a Poco::IOException if there was a problem removing the subscription.

This method is only supported for MQTT 3.1 and 3.1.1.

unsubscribe5 virtual

virtual IoT::MQTT::Response unsubscribe5(
    const std::string & topic,
    const std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > & properties = std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > ()
) = 0;

MQTT V5 version of unsubscribe(), which allows to specify properties.

This function attempts to remove an existing subscription made by the client.

Throws a Poco::IOException if there was a problem removing the subscription.

This method is only supported for MQTT 5.

unsubscribeMany virtual

virtual void unsubscribeMany(
    const std::vector < std::string > & topics
) = 0;

This function attempts to remove existing subscriptions to a list of topics made by the specified client.

Throws a Poco::IOException if there was a problem removing the subscriptions.

This method is only supported for MQTT 3.1 and 3.1.1.

unsubscribeMany5 virtual

virtual IoT::MQTT::Response unsubscribeMany5(
    const std::vector < std::string > & topics,
    const std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > & properties = std::vector < IoT::MQTT::Property > ()
) = 0;

MQTT V5 version of unsubscribeMany(), which allows to specify properties.

This function attempts to remove existing subscriptions to a list of topics made by the specified client.

Throws a Poco::IOException if there was a problem removing the subscriptions.

This method is only supported for MQTT 5.

waitForCompletion virtual

virtual void waitForCompletion(
    int deliveryToken,
    int timeout
) = 0;

Waits for delivery of the message associated with the given deliveryToken.

Waits at most for the length of the given timeout in milliseconds. Throws a Poco::TimeoutException if timeout expires without the message delivery being completed.

This method is only supported for all MQTT versions.



Poco::BasicEvent < void > connectionClosed;


Poco::BasicEvent < const IoT::MQTT::ConnectionEstablishedEvent > connectionEstablished;


Poco::BasicEvent < const IoT::MQTT::ConnectionLostEvent > connectionLost;


Poco::BasicEvent < const IoT::MQTT::DisconnectedEvent > disconnected;


Poco::BasicEvent < const IoT::MQTT::MessageArrivedEvent > messageArrived;


Poco::BasicEvent < const IoT::MQTT::MessageDeliveredEvent > messageDelivered;


Poco::BasicEvent < const IoT::MQTT::MessagePublishedEvent > messagePublished;

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