Starting with release 1.4.1 the POCO C++ Libraries can be used on VxWorks 5.5.1 and newer. Project files for Tornado are provided that support debug and release builds using the Diab C++ compiler.
Compiling the POCO C++ Libraries
When compiling the POCO C++ Libraries for a VxWorks target, as well as when including POCO C++ Libraries headers in a project for a VxWorks target, the preprocessor macro POCO_VXWORKS must be defined. This is because the Diab C++ compiler does not provide a predefined macro that allows for reliable detection of a VxWorks target.
VxWorks OS Libraries
The following VxWorks OS libraries are required and must be available on the target:
- ansiTime
- clockLib
- cplusLib
- dirLib (for Poco::File and Poco::Environment)
- envLib (for Poco::Environment)
- ftruncate (for Poco::File)
- hostLib (for Poco::Environment)
- ifLib
- inetLib
- ioLib
- loadLib (for Poco::SharedLibrary)
- moduleLib (for Poco::SharedLibrary)
- netLib
- pthreadLib
- resolvLib
- sockLib
- symLib (for Poco::SharedLibrary)
- timerLib
- unldLib (for Poco::SharedLibrary)
Some OS libraries can be omitted if the POCO class requiring it (given in parenthesis) is not used.
- Poco::Environment::nodeName() returns the result of gethostname(); the host name can be set with sethostname().
- Poco::Environment::processorCount() always returns 1.
Date/Time Support
- Timezone support requires that the TIMEZONE environment variable is set accordingly on the target.
- Poco::Timezone::name(), Poco::Timezone::standardName() and Poco::Timezone::dstName() all return the same value — the timezone name specified in the TIMEZONE environment variable.
- Poco::File::canRead() and Poco::File::canWrite() always return true. Poco::File::canExecute() always returns false, as does Poco::File::isLink().
- Poco::File::isHidden() works the same as on Unix platforms (files with names starting with a period are considered hidden).
- Poco::File::setWriteable() and Poco::File::setExecutable() are no-ops.
Poco::Path::home() returns the value of environment variable HOME, if defined, or else the root directory path ("/").
The Poco::FPEnvironment class is not available on VxWorks and cannot be used.
Poco::Process, Poco::Pipe, Poco::SharedMemory, Poco::NamedEvent, Poco::NamedMutex
VxWorks does not support processes and POCO makes no attempt to hide this fact. Poco::Process, Poco::Pipe (and related stream classes), Poco::SharedMemory, Poco::NamedEvent and Poco::NamedMutex are not available on VxWorks.
On VxWorks, Poco::RWLock is an ordinary mutex.
Symbol lookup (Poco::SharedLibrary::hasSymbol() and Poco::SharedLibrary::getSymbol()) is slow, as the entire symbol table has to be searched sequentially (using symEach()) to find a symbol defined in a specific module.
Poco::UnicodeConverter is not available on VxWorks because VxWorks does not support std::wstring.
The macro POCO_APP_MAIN defines a function
int pocoAppMain(const char* appName, ...);
with a variable number of arguments. The first argument specifies the name of the application and is equivalent to argv[0]. The remaining arguments of type const char* specify command-line arguments. The list of command-line arguments must be terminated by a NULL argument.
An application waiting in Poco::Util::ServerApplication::waitForTerminationRequest() can be shut down by calling Poco::Util::ServerApplication::terminate().
The macro POCO_SERVER_MAIN defines a function
int pocoSrvMain(const char* appName, ...);
which works in the same way as pocoAppMain(), defined by POCO_APP_MAIN.
Crypto and NetSSL
Crypto and NetSSL_OpenSSL are currently not supported.
Only the SQLite backend is currently supported. Before building Data/SQLite for a VxWorks 5.5.1 target, the patch in $POCO_BASE/patches/VxWorks/sqlite3.c.patch must be applied by executing
$ patch -p0 <patches/VxWorks/sqlite3.c.patch
in a Unix/Linux or Cygwin shell (from the $POCO_BASE directory). The patch is for SQLite 3.7.4 and may not work with other releases.
Build Notes
Generating Tornado 2.2 Project Files
The POCO C++ Libraries source code package does not contain project files for Tornado. However, a Bash shell script is provided that will generate the project files (.wpj). On Windows, a Cygwin installation is required to run this script. Project files are generated from VxWorks build description files (*.vxbuild), which are present in all library directories ($POCO_BASE/Foundation, $POCO_BASE/XML, etc.) of libraries that are available on VxWorks. Also required are build configuration files that specify the build settings for a specific target architecture. These are located in $POCO_BASE/build/vxconfig. To generate a Tornado project file, run the vxprogen script from the respective directory and pass the name(s) of the desired build configuration as argument(s), e.g.:
$ cd Foundation $ ../build/script/vxprogen PPC440diab_release
A new directory named vx will be created, containing the generated Tornado project file. The project file can be opened in Tornado, and a build can be started.
Every testsuite exports a global function that runs the tests, similar to what the testrunner command does on Unix/Linux systems. For example, to invoke the Foundation testsuite on the target (using the host-based shell), first load the necessary modules:
=> ld <p:/poco-1.4/CppUnit/vx/PPC440diab_debug/cppUnit.out Loading p:/poco-1.4/CppUnit/vx/PPC440diab_debug/cppUnit.out \ value = 13481712 = 0xcdb6f0 => ld <p:/poco-1.4/Foundation/vx/PPC440diab_debug/pocoFoundation.out Loading p:/poco-1.4/Foundation/vx/PPC440diab_debug/pocoFoundation.out - value = 13294784 = 0xcadcc0 => ld <p:/poco-1.4/Foundation/testsuite/vx/PPC440diab_debug/FoundationTestSuite.out Loading p:/poco-1.4/Foundation/testsuite/vx/PPC440diab_debug/FoundationTestSuite.out - value = 51068280 = 0x30b3d78
Then, if the testsuite does file I/O, set the target's current directory to the testsuite directory:
=> @cd "/tgtsvr/poco-1.4/Foundation/testsuite"
It's also a good ideal to redirect the standard output to the system console (serial port) with:
=> ?shConfig SH_GET_TASK_IO off
Then, the testsuite can be started:
=> FoundationTestSuiteRunner "-all"
The arguments passed to the FoundationTestSuiteRunner (or any other testsuite runner) function are the same as the ones passed to the testrunner command: one or more test/testsuite names, "-all" to run all tests, or "-print" to print all test/testsuite names.
Reference System
The reference system used for testing is an AMCC Canyonlands evaluation board (EV-460EX-KIT-05) running VxWorks 5.5.1.