Classes: BundleStreamFactory, CodeCache, IdentifierToken, LanguageTag, NumberLiteralToken, OSPSubsystem, OperatorToken, Properties, QLAndExpr, QLEqExpr, QLExistsExpr, QLExpr, QLGeExpr, QLGtExpr, QLLeExpr, QLLtExpr, QLMatchExpr, QLMatchRegExpr, QLNeExpr, QLNotExpr, QLOrExpr, QLParser, QLRelExpr, QLToken, QLTrueExpr, RegExpToken, StringLiteralToken, VersionRange
Functions: operator [], swap
class BundleStreamFactory
An implementation of the URIStreamFactory interface that handles Bundle (bndl) URIs for accessing resources stored in bundles.
class CodeCache
CodeCache is a utility class that manages the code cache directory where the shared libraries of resolved bundles are kept.
class IdentifierToken
class LanguageTag
This class implements a RFC 1766 language tag.
class NumberLiteralToken
class OSPSubsystem
This subsystem implementation sets up the OSP runtime environment, including BundleLoader, CodeCache and ServiceRegistry.
class OperatorToken
class Properties
The Properties class manages a collection of key-value pairs.
class QLAndExpr
class QLEqExpr
class QLExistsExpr
class QLExpr
The base class for all Query Language expressions.
class QLGeExpr
class QLGtExpr
class QLLeExpr
class QLLtExpr
class QLMatchExpr
class QLMatchRegExpr
class QLNeExpr
class QLNotExpr
class QLOrExpr
class QLParser
QLParser implements a parser for property query expressions, such as used by the ServiceRegistry.
class QLRelExpr
class QLToken
The base class for all query language tokens.