Library JS/Core

Package Execution


Classes: AsyncFunctionCompletedTask, AsyncFunctionFailedTask, AsyncFunctionRunner, ErrorInfo, JSException, JSExecutor, JSTimer, MemoryWarning, Module, ModuleNotFoundException, ModuleRegistry, PooledIsolate, StackFrame, TimedJSExecutor


class AsyncFunctionCompletedTask

This is executed in the JavaScript timer queue when an asynchronous function implemented with AsyncFunctionRunner completes successfully. 

class AsyncFunctionFailedTask

This is executed in the JavaScript timer queue when an asynchronous function implemented with AsyncFunctionRunner fails by throwing an exception. 

class AsyncFunctionRunner

A utility class template for implementing asynchronous JavaScript functions in C++. 

struct ErrorInfo


class JSException


class JSExecutor

The JSExecutor class executes JavaScript code in a controlled environment (i. 

class JSTimer

A JSTimer allows to schedule tasks (Poco::Util::TimerTask objects) for future execution in a background thread. 

struct MemoryWarning


class Module

A JavaScript native module, implemented in C++. 

class ModuleNotFoundException


class ModuleRegistry

A registry of native JavaScript modules. 

class PooledIsolate


struct StackFrame


class TimedJSExecutor

This class extends the basic JSExecutor class with a JSTimer-based event loop, allowing the definition of timers in JavaScript code. 

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