
class SerialPort

File Information

Library: Serial
Package: Serial
Header: Poco/Serial/SerialPort.h


This class provides an interface to a serial port.


Direct Base Classes: SerialPortImpl

All Base Classes: SerialPortImpl

Member Summary

Member Functions: available, baudRate, close, configureRS485, device, drain, flowControl, getRTS, open, parameters, poll, read, readBuffer, setRTS, write



typedef RS485ParamsImpl RS485Params;




Default size for the internal buffer.



No flow control


Hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control




Creates the SerialPort.


explicit SerialPort(
    std::size_t bufferSize

Creates the SerialPort, using the given buffer size.


    Poco::Logger & logger,
    std::size_t bufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE

Creates the SerialPort, using the given logger and buffer size.


    const std::string & device,
    int baudRate = - 1,
    const std::string & parameters = "8N1",
    FlowControl flowControl = FLOW_NONE,
    std::size_t bufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE

Creates and opens the SerialPort, using the given parameters.

See open() for a description of the parameters.




Closes, if necessary, and destroys the SerialPort.

Member Functions

available inline

std::size_t available() const;

Returns the number of characters available from the internal buffer.

baudRate inline

int baudRate() const;

Returns the baud rate configured for this SerialPort instance.


void close();

Closes the serial port.


void configureRS485(
    const RS485Params & rs485Params

Enable and configure RS-485 mode, if supported.

Throws a Poco::NotImplementedException if the hardware does not support RS-485 mode.

device inline

const std::string & device() const;

Returns the device configured for this SerialPort instance.


void drain();

Waits until all output written to the serial port has been transmitted.

flowControl inline

FlowControl flowControl() const;

Returns the flow control setting configured for this SerialPort instance.


bool getRTS() const;

Returns the RTS status.


void open(
    const std::string & device,
    int baudRate = - 1,
    const std::string & parameters = "8N1",
    FlowControl flowControl = FLOW_NONE

Opens the port.

Device sets the serial port device file name and is usually something like "/dev/ttyS0", "/dev/ttyUSB0", "/dev/tty.usbserial-XXX" or "COM1".

Baud rate must be one of the following: 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 or 230400.

Specify -1 for baudRate to use the currently configured speed. Note that not all platforms support all baud rates.

To specify character size, parity and stop bits, use the parameters argument. The parameters argument must be a three character string. The first character specifies the serial line character width in bits (5, 6, 7 or 8). The second char specifies the parity (N for none, E for even, O for odd) and the third character specifies the number of stop bits (1 or 2). Example: "8N1" for 8 bit characters, no parity, 1 stop bit.

The flowControl argument can be used to enable or disable hardware (CTS/RTS) flow control.

parameters inline

const std::string & parameters() const;

Returns the parameters configured for this SerialPort instance.


bool poll(
    const Poco::Timespan & timeout

Waits for data to arrive at the port.

Returns true immediately if data is already in the internal buffer, or if data arrives during the specified time interval, otherwise false.


std::size_t read(
    char * data,
    std::size_t size

Reads up to size characters from the port (or internal buffer) and places them in the given buffer. If the internal buffer is empty, blocks until data arrives at the port.

Returns the number of characters read.

Throws a Poco::IOException if an error occurs.


std::size_t read(
    char * data,
    std::size_t size,
    const Poco::Timespan & timeout

Attempts to read exactly size characters from the port. May read less than the requested number of characters if the given timeout is exceeded.

Returns the number of characters read.

Note: the given timeout is not an absolute timeout, but a timeout between blocks of data received. For example, if the timeout is 10 seconds, 10 characters are requested, and a character appears every 5 seconds, total time for reading will be about 50 seconds.

Throws a Poco::IOException if an error occurs.


void read(
    std::string & data

Reads what's currently available from the serial port or internal buffer and returns it in data.

If the internal buffer is empty, blocks until data arrives at the port.


int read();

Reads a single character from the port.

If the internal buffer is empty, blocks until data arrives at the port.


void setRTS(
    bool status

Manually sets or clears RTS.


std::size_t write(
    const std::string & data

Writes the given data to the port. Returns the number of characters written.

Throws a Poco::IOException if an error occurs.


std::size_t write(
    const char * data,
    std::size_t size

Writes the given data to the port. Returns the number of characters written.

Throws a Poco::IOException if an error occurs.

readBuffer protected

void readBuffer();


LOGGER_NAME protected static

static const std::string LOGGER_NAME;

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