File Information
Library: Redis
Package: Redis
Header: Poco/Redis/Client.h
Represents a connection to a Redis server.
A command is always made from an Array and a reply can be a signed 64 bit integer, a simple string, a bulk string, an array or an error. The first element of the command array is the Redis command. A simple string is a string that cannot contain a CR or LF character. A bulk string is implemented as an alias for Poco::Nullable<std::string>. This is because a bulk string can represent a Null value.
BulkString bs = client.execute<BulkString>(...); if ( bs.isNull() ) { // We have a Null value } else { // We have a string value }
To create Redis commands, the factory methods of the Command class can be used or the Array class can be used directly.
Command llen = Command::llen("list");
is the same as:
Array command; command.add("LLEN").add("list");
Array command; command << "LLEN" << "list";
or even:
Command command("LLEN"); command << "list";
Member Summary
Member Functions: address, connect, disconnect, execute, flush, isConnected, readReply, sendCommand, sendCommands, setReceiveTimeout
Types Aliases
using Ptr = SharedPtr < Client >;
Creates an unconnected Client. Use this when you want to connect later on.
const std::string & hostAndPort
Constructor which connects to the given Redis host/port. The host and port must be separated with a colon.
const Net::SocketAddress & addrs
Constructor which connects to the given Redis host/port.
const Net::StreamSocket & socket
Constructor which connects using an existing TCP connection. This can be used to connect via TLS, if the given socket is a Poco::Net::SecureStreamSocket.
const std::string & host,
int port
Constructor which connects to the given Redis host/port.
virtual ~Client();
Destroys the Client.
Member Functions
Net::SocketAddress address() const;
Returns the address of the Redis connection.
void connect(
const std::string & hostAndPort
Connects to the given Redis server. The host and port must be separated with a colon.
void connect(
const std::string & host,
int port
Connects to the given Redis server.
void connect(
const Net::SocketAddress & addrs
Connects to the given Redis server.
void connect(
const std::string & hostAndPort,
const Timespan & timeout
Connects to the given Redis server. The host and port must be separated with a colon.
void connect(
const std::string & host,
int port,
const Timespan & timeout
Connects to the given Redis server.
void connect(
const Net::SocketAddress & addrs,
const Timespan & timeout
Connects to the given Redis server.
void connect(
const Net::StreamSocket & socket
Connects to the given Redis server using an existing TCP connection. This can be used to connect via TLS, if the given socket is a Poco::Net::SecureStreamSocket.
void disconnect();
Disconnects from the Redis server.
template < typename T > T execute(
const Array & command
Sends the Redis Command to the server. It gets the reply and tries to convert it to the given template type.
A specialization exists for type void, which doesn't read the reply. If the server sends a reply, it is your responsibility to read it. Use this for pipelining.
A Poco::BadCastException will be thrown when the reply couldn't be converted. Supported types are Int64, std::string, BulkString, Array and void. When the reply is an Error, it will throw a RedisException.
void flush();
Flush the output buffer to Redis. Use this when commands are stored in the buffer to send them all at once to Redis.
bool isConnected() const;
RedisType::Ptr readReply();
Read a reply from the Redis server.
template < typename T > void readReply(
T & result
Read a reply from the Redis server and tries to convert that reply to the template type. When the reply is a Redis error, it will throw a RedisException. A BadCastException will be thrown, when the reply is not of the given type.
RedisType::Ptr sendCommand(
const Array & command
Sends a Redis command to the server and returns the reply. Use this when the type of the reply isn't known.
Array sendCommands(
const std::vector < Array > & commands
Sends all commands (pipelining) to the Redis server before getting all replies.
void setReceiveTimeout(
const Timespan & timeout
Sets a receive timeout.