
class Histogram

File Information

Library: Prometheus
Package: Core
Header: Poco/Prometheus/Histogram.h


A histogram with a configurable number of buckets.

To create a Histogram with labels and three buckets, and register it with the default Registry:

Histogram sampleHistogram("sample_histogram"s, {
    .help = "A sample histogram"s,
    .labelNames = {"label1"s, "label2"s},
    .buckets = {0.5, 1.0, 5.0}

To observe a value with a Histogram (with labels):

sampleHistogram.labels({"value1"s, "value2"}).observe(1.5);

To create a Histogram without labels and register it with the default Registry:

Histogram simpleHistogram("simple_histogram"s, {
    .help = "A simple histogram"s,
    .buckets = {0.5, 1.0, 5.0}

To observe a value with a Histogram (without labels):



Direct Base Classes: LabeledMetricImpl < HistogramSample >

All Base Classes: LabeledMetricImpl < HistogramSample >

Member Summary

Member Functions: buckets, createSample, data, exportTo, help, labelNames, observe

Nested Classes

struct Params




explicit Histogram(
    const std::string & name

Creates a Histogram with the given name and registers it with the default registry.


    const std::string & name,
    const Params & params

Creates a Histogram with the given name and params, and registers it with the default registry.


    const std::string & name,
    Registry * pRegistry

Creates a Histogram with the given name and registers it with the given registry (if not nullptr).


    const std::string & name,
    const Params & params,
    Registry * pRegistry

Creates a Histogram with the given name and params, and registers it with the given registry (if not nullptr).



~Histogram() = default;

Destroys the Histogram.

Member Functions

buckets inline

Histogram & buckets(
    const std::vector < double > & bucketBounds

Sets the Histogram's bucket upper bounds.

Upper bounds must be strictly ordered from lowest to highest value. The final infinite bucket must not be included.

Must only be set once, immediately after creating the Histogram.


const std::vector < double > buckets() const;

Returns the configured bucket upper bounds.


std::unique_ptr < HistogramSample > createSample() const override;


HistogramData data() const;

Returns the histogram's data.


void exportTo(
    Exporter & exporter
) const override;

help inline

Histogram & help(
    const std::string & text

Sets the Histogram's help text.

Must only be set once, immediately after creating the Histogram.

labelNames inline

Histogram & labelNames(
    const std::vector < std::string > & labelNames

Sets the Histogram's label names.

Must only be set once, immediately after creating the Gauge. The label name "le" must not be used as it is reserved for the histogram.


void observe(
    double value

Observes the given amount, by increasing the count in the respective bucket.


void observe(
    Poco::Clock::ClockVal v

Converts the given Clock time in microseconds to seconds and increases the count in the respective bucket.

Can only be used if no labels have been defined.

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