File Information
Library: JSON
Package: JSON
Header: Poco/JSON/TemplateCache.h
Use to cache parsed templates. Templates are stored in a map with the full path as key. When a template file has changed, the cache will remove the old template from the cache and load a new one.
Member Summary
Member Functions: addPath, getTemplate, instance, setLogger
Creates an empty TemplateCache.
The cache must be created and not destroyed as long as it is used.
virtual ~TemplateCache();
Destroys the TemplateCache.
Member Functions
void addPath(
const Path & path
Add a path for resolving template paths. The order of check is FIFO.
Template::Ptr getTemplate(
const Path & path
Returns a template from the cache. When the template file is not yet loaded or when the file has changed, the template will be (re)loaded and parsed. A shared pointer is returned, so it is safe to use this template even when the template isn't stored anymore in the cache.
static TemplateCache * instance();
Returns the only instance of this cache.
void setLogger(
Logger & logger
Sets the logger for the cache.