
class ColorConsoleChannel

File Information

Library: Foundation
Package: Logging
Header: Poco/ConsoleChannel.h


A channel that writes to an ostream.

Only the message's text is written, followed by a newline.

Messages can be colored depending on priority. The console device must support ANSI escape codes in order to display colored messages.

To enable message coloring, set the "enableColors" property to true (default). Furthermore, colors can be configured by setting the following properties (default values are given in parenthesis):

  • traceColor (gray)
  • debugColor (gray)
  • informationColor (default)
  • noticeColor (default)
  • warningColor (yellow)
  • errorColor (lightRed)
  • criticalColor (lightRed)
  • fatalColor (lightRed)

The following color values are supported:

  • default
  • black
  • red
  • green
  • brown
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • gray
  • darkgray
  • lightRed
  • lightGreen
  • yellow
  • lightBlue
  • lightMagenta
  • lightCyan
  • white

Chain this channel to a FormattingChannel with an appropriate Formatter to control what is contained in the text.

Similar to StreamChannel, except that a static mutex is used to protect against multiple console channels concurrently writing to the same stream.


Direct Base Classes: Channel

All Base Classes: Channel, Configurable, RefCountedObject

Member Summary

Member Functions: formatColor, getProperty, initColors, log, parseColor, setProperty

Inherited Functions: close, duplicate, getProperty, log, open, referenceCount, release, setProperty


Color protected

CC_DEFAULT = 0x0027

CC_BLACK = 0x001e

CC_RED = 0x001f

CC_GREEN = 0x0020

CC_BROWN = 0x0021

CC_BLUE = 0x0022

CC_MAGENTA = 0x0023

CC_CYAN = 0x0024

CC_GRAY = 0x0025

CC_DARKGRAY = 0x011e

CC_LIGHTRED = 0x011f


CC_YELLOW = 0x0121




CC_WHITE = 0x0125




Creates the channel and attaches std::clog.


    std::ostream & str

Creates the channel using the given stream.


~ColorConsoleChannel protected virtual


Member Functions

getProperty virtual

std::string getProperty(
    const std::string & name
) const;

Returns the value of the property with the given name. See setProperty() for a description of the supported properties.

log virtual

void log(
    const Message & msg

Logs the given message to the channel's stream.

setProperty virtual

void setProperty(
    const std::string & name,
    const std::string & value

Sets the property with the given name.

The following properties are supported:

  • enableColors: Enable or disable colors.
  • traceColor: Specify color for trace messages.
  • debugColor: Specify color for debug messages.
  • informationColor: Specify color for information messages.
  • noticeColor: Specify color for notice messages.
  • warningColor: Specify color for warning messages.
  • errorColor: Specify color for error messages.
  • criticalColor: Specify color for critical messages.
  • fatalColor: Specify color for fatal messages.

See the class documentation for a list of supported color values.

formatColor protected

std::string formatColor(
    Color color
) const;

initColors protected

void initColors();

parseColor protected

Color parseColor(
    const std::string & color
) const;

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