File Information
Library: IoT/WebEvent
Package: WebEventNotifier
Header: IoT/WebEvent/WebEventNotifier.h
A simplified Remoting-capable interface to the Poco::OSP::WebEvent::WebEventService, usable from both C++ and JavaScript.
Known Derived Classes: WebEventNotifierImpl
Member Summary
Member Functions: clearEventFilter, notify, setEventSubjectNameFilter, setEventSubjectRegexFilter
Types Aliases
using Ptr = Poco::AutoPtr < WebEventNotifier >;
Creates the Device.
virtual ~WebEventNotifier();
Destroys the Device.
Member Functions
virtual void clearEventFilter(
const std::string & subscriberURI
) = 0;
Clears any event filter that has been set with setEventSubjectFilter().
virtual void notify(
const std::string & subjectName,
const std::string & data
) = 0;
Notify all registered subscribers to the given subject, using the given data, which is typically a serialized JSON or XML document in UTF-8 encoding.
Sending the notification is done asynchronously. If a notification cannot be delivered to a subscriber due to a network issue, the subscriber will be removed and its WebSocket closed.
virtual void setEventSubjectNameFilter(
const std::string & subscriberURI,
const std::string & subjectName
) = 0;
Sets a filter on the event to only report events with the given subjectName.
virtual void setEventSubjectRegexFilter(
const std::string & subscriberURI,
const std::string & regex
) = 0;
Sets a filter on the event to only report events with the subjectName matching the specified regex.
Poco::BasicEvent < const EventNotification > event;
Fired when an event notification has been sent, either by calling notify(), or by a client sending a NOTIFY message to the server over a web socket.
This event is fired for all subjects. It's the responsibility of the delegate function to filter out ignore events not of interest.