class OPCClient

File Information

Library: IoT/OPC
Package: OPCClient
Header: IoT/OPC/OPCClient.h


The interface for OPC clients.

This class provides a high-level, type-safe API for reading and writing attributes of the objects provided by an OPC server.

Member Summary

Member Functions: connect, connected, disconnect, enumerateChildren, expandNodeId, readAccessLevel, readArrayDimensions, readBooleanArray, readBooleanValue, readBrowseName, readByteArray, readByteStringArray, readByteStringValue, readByteValue, readDataType, readDateTimeArray, readDateTimeValue, readDescription, readDisplayName, readDoubleArray, readDoubleValue, readEventNotifier, readExecutable, readFloatArray, readFloatValue, readGUIDArray, readGUIDValue, readHistorizing, readInt16Array, readInt16Value, readInt32Array, readInt32Value, readInt64Array, readInt64Value, readInverseName, readIsAbstract, readMinimumSamplingInterval, readNoLoops, readNodeClass, readNodeId, readSByteArray, readSByteValue, readStringArray, readStringValue, readSymmetric, readUInt16Array, readUInt16Value, readUInt32Array, readUInt32Value, readUInt64Array, readUInt64Value, readUserAccessLevel, readUserExecutable, readUserWriteMask, readValueRank, readValueType, readWriteMask, resolveNodeId, resolvePath, serverURI, state, writeAccessLevel, writeArrayDimensions, writeBooleanArray, writeBooleanValue, writeBrowseName, writeByteArray, writeByteStringArray, writeByteStringValue, writeByteValue, writeDataType, writeDateTimeArray, writeDateTimeValue, writeDescription, writeDisplayName, writeDoubleArray, writeDoubleValue, writeEventNotifier, writeExecutable, writeFloatArray, writeFloatValue, writeGUIDArray, writeGUIDValue, writeHistorizing, writeInt16Array, writeInt16Value, writeInt32Array, writeInt32Value, writeInt64Array, writeInt64Value, writeInverseName, writeIsAbstract, writeMinimumSamplingInterval, writeNoLoops, writeNodeClass, writeNodeId, writeSByteArray, writeSByteValue, writeStringArray, writeStringValue, writeSymmetric, writeUInt16Array, writeUInt16Value, writeUInt32Array, writeUInt32Value, writeUInt64Array, writeUInt64Value, writeUserAccessLevel, writeUserExecutable, writeUserWriteMask, writeValueRank, writeWriteMask



typedef Poco::SharedPtr < OPCClient > Ptr;




Creates the OPCClient.


~OPCClient virtual

virtual ~OPCClient();

Destroys the OPCClient.

Member Functions

connect virtual

virtual void connect() = 0;

Connects to the server.

connected virtual

virtual bool connected() const = 0;

Returns true if the client is connected to the server, otherwise false.

disconnect virtual

virtual void disconnect() = 0;

Disconnects from the server.

enumerateChildren virtual

virtual std::vector < NodeInfo > enumerateChildren(
    const NodeIdString & parentNodeId
) = 0;

Returns a vector containing information about all children of the node identified by parentNodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the children could not be enumerated.

expandNodeId virtual

virtual NodeIdString expandNodeId(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

If the nodeId contains a namespace index, returns a new NodeIdString containing the corresponding namespace URI.

If no corresponding namespace URI is found, returns the same nodeId.

readAccessLevel virtual

virtual Poco::UInt8 readAccessLevel(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Access Level attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readArrayDimensions virtual

virtual std::vector < Poco::UInt32 > readArrayDimensions(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Array Dimensions attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readBooleanArray virtual

virtual std::vector < bool > readBooleanArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of Boolean.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readBooleanValue virtual

virtual bool readBooleanValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Boolean.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readBrowseName virtual

virtual QualifiedName readBrowseName(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Browse Name attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readByteArray virtual

virtual std::vector < Poco::UInt8 > readByteArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of Byte.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readByteStringArray virtual

virtual std::vector < std::vector < char > > readByteStringArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of ByteString.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readByteStringValue virtual

virtual std::vector < char > readByteStringValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be ByteString.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type.

readByteValue virtual

virtual Poco::UInt8 readByteValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Byte.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readDataType virtual

virtual NodeIdString readDataType(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Data Type attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readDateTimeArray virtual

virtual std::vector < Poco::DateTime > readDateTimeArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of DateTime. The OPC DateTime values are converted into Poco::DateTime values, which may lose some precision.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readDateTimeValue virtual

virtual Poco::DateTime readDateTimeValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be DateTime. The OPC DateTime is converted into a Poco::DateTime value, which may lose some precision.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readDescription virtual

virtual LocalizedText readDescription(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Description attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readDisplayName virtual

virtual LocalizedText readDisplayName(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Display Name attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readDoubleArray virtual

virtual std::vector < double > readDoubleArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of Double.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readDoubleValue virtual

virtual double readDoubleValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Double.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readEventNotifier virtual

virtual Poco::UInt8 readEventNotifier(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Event Notifier attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readExecutable virtual

virtual bool readExecutable(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Executable attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readFloatArray virtual

virtual std::vector < float > readFloatArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of Float.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readFloatValue virtual

virtual float readFloatValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Float.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readGUIDArray virtual

virtual std::vector < Poco::UUID > readGUIDArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of GUID (UUID).

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readGUIDValue virtual

virtual Poco::UUID readGUIDValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be GUID (UUID).

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readHistorizing virtual

virtual bool readHistorizing(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Historizing attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readInt16Array virtual

virtual std::vector < Poco::Int16 > readInt16Array(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of Int16.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readInt16Value virtual

virtual Poco::Int16 readInt16Value(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Int16.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readInt32Array virtual

virtual std::vector < Poco::Int32 > readInt32Array(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of Int32.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readInt32Value virtual

virtual Poco::Int32 readInt32Value(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Int32.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readInt64Array virtual

virtual std::vector < Poco::Int64 > readInt64Array(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of Int64.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readInt64Value virtual

virtual Poco::Int64 readInt64Value(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Int64.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readInverseName virtual

virtual LocalizedText readInverseName(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Inverse Name attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readIsAbstract virtual

virtual bool readIsAbstract(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Is Abstract attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readMinimumSamplingInterval virtual

virtual double readMinimumSamplingInterval(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Minimum Sampling Interval attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readNoLoops virtual

virtual bool readNoLoops(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the No Loops attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readNodeClass virtual

virtual NodeClass readNodeClass(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Node Class attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readNodeId virtual

virtual NodeIdString readNodeId(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads the Node ID attribute of the node identified by nodeId and converts it to stringified NodeIdString representation.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readSByteArray virtual

virtual std::vector < Poco::Int8 > readSByteArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of SByte.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readSByteValue virtual

virtual Poco::Int8 readSByteValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be SByte.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readStringArray virtual

virtual std::vector < std::string > readStringArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of String.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readStringValue virtual

virtual std::string readStringValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be String.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readSymmetric virtual

virtual bool readSymmetric(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Symmetric attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readUInt16Array virtual

virtual std::vector < Poco::UInt16 > readUInt16Array(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of UInt16.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readUInt16Value virtual

virtual Poco::UInt16 readUInt16Value(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be UInt16.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readUInt32Array virtual

virtual std::vector < Poco::UInt32 > readUInt32Array(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of UInt32.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readUInt32Value virtual

virtual Poco::UInt32 readUInt32Value(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be UInt32.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readUInt64Array virtual

virtual std::vector < Poco::UInt64 > readUInt64Array(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of UInt64.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readUInt64Value virtual

virtual Poco::UInt64 readUInt64Value(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be UInt64.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type. Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readUserAccessLevel virtual

virtual Poco::UInt8 readUserAccessLevel(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the User Access Level attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readUserExecutable virtual

virtual bool readUserExecutable(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the User Executable attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readUserWriteMask virtual

virtual Poco::UInt32 readUserWriteMask(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the User Write Mask attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readValueRank virtual

virtual Poco::Int32 readValueRank(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value Rank attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readValueType virtual

virtual std::string readValueType(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads the value of the node identified by nodeId and returns the value's type as a string (e.g., "Int32" or "Int32Array").

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

readWriteMask virtual

virtual Poco::UInt32 readWriteMask(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Write Mask attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be read.

resolveNodeId virtual

virtual NodeIdString resolveNodeId(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId
) = 0;

If the nodeId contains a namespace URI, returns a new NodeIdString containing the corresponding namespace index.

Throws an UnknownNamespaceException if the namespace URI cannot be resolved.

resolvePath virtual

virtual NodeIdString resolvePath(
    const std::string & path,
    const NodeIdString & rootId = NodeIdString ()
) = 0;

Resolves a path consisting of slash-separated browse names to the NodeId of the resulting node, starting from the given root NodeIdString. The rootId can be empty. In this case, the path must start with a slash, which references the root node.

Example: Resolving the path "/" with a null root returns the NodeIdString of the Root Folder (ns=0;i=84). Resolving the path "/Objects/Server" returns the NodeIdString of the Server object (ns=0;i=2253).

If the path cannot be resolved, throws a PathNotFoundException.

Note that resolving a path is an expensive operation, requiring multiple calls to the OPC-UA server. Paths should be resolved only once per session, and the returned NodeId should be used for subsequent operations.

serverURI virtual

virtual std::string serverURI() const = 0;

Returns the URI of the server this client is connected to.

state virtual

virtual ClientState state() const = 0;

Returns the state of the client.

writeAccessLevel virtual

virtual void writeAccessLevel(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    Poco::UInt8 accessLevel
) = 0;

Writes the Access Level attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeArrayDimensions virtual

virtual void writeArrayDimensions(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < Poco::UInt32 > & arrayDimensions
) = 0;

Writes the Array Dimensions attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeBooleanArray virtual

virtual void writeBooleanArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < bool > & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of Boolean.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeBooleanValue virtual

virtual void writeBooleanValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    bool value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Boolean.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeBrowseName virtual

virtual void writeBrowseName(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const QualifiedName & qualifiedName
) = 0;

Writes the Browse Name attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeByteArray virtual

virtual void writeByteArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < Poco::UInt8 > & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of Byte.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeByteStringArray virtual

virtual void writeByteStringArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < std::vector < char > > & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of ByteString.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeByteStringValue virtual

virtual void writeByteStringValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < char > & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be ByteString.

Throws a OPCTypeMismatch exception if the actual value's type does not match the expected type.

writeByteValue virtual

virtual void writeByteValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    Poco::UInt8 value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Byte.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeDataType virtual

virtual void writeDataType(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const NodeIdString & dataTypeId
) = 0;

Writes Data Type attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeDateTimeArray virtual

virtual void writeDateTimeArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < Poco::DateTime > & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of DateTime.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeDateTimeValue virtual

virtual void writeDateTimeValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const Poco::DateTime & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be DateTime.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeDescription virtual

virtual void writeDescription(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const LocalizedText & description
) = 0;

Writes the Description attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeDisplayName virtual

virtual void writeDisplayName(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const LocalizedText & displayName
) = 0;

Writes the Display Name attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeDoubleArray virtual

virtual void writeDoubleArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < double > & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of Double.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeDoubleValue virtual

virtual void writeDoubleValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    double value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Double.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeEventNotifier virtual

virtual void writeEventNotifier(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    Poco::UInt8 eventNotifier
) = 0;

Writes the Event Notifier attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeExecutable virtual

virtual void writeExecutable(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    bool executable
) = 0;

Writes the Executable attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeFloatArray virtual

virtual void writeFloatArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < float > & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of Float.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeFloatValue virtual

virtual void writeFloatValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    float value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Float.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeGUIDArray virtual

virtual void writeGUIDArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < Poco::UUID > & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of GUID (UUID).

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeGUIDValue virtual

virtual void writeGUIDValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const Poco::UUID & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be GUID (UUID).

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeHistorizing virtual

virtual void writeHistorizing(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    bool historizing
) = 0;

Writes the Historizing attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeInt16Array virtual

virtual void writeInt16Array(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < Poco::Int16 > & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of Int16.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeInt16Value virtual

virtual void writeInt16Value(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    Poco::Int16 value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Int16.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeInt32Array virtual

virtual void writeInt32Array(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < Poco::Int32 > & value
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of Int32.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeInt32Value virtual

virtual void writeInt32Value(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    Poco::Int32 value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Int32.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeInt64Array virtual

virtual void writeInt64Array(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < Poco::Int64 > & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of Int64.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeInt64Value virtual

virtual void writeInt64Value(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    Poco::Int64 value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Int64.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeInverseName virtual

virtual void writeInverseName(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const LocalizedText & inverseName
) = 0;

Writes the Inverse Name attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeIsAbstract virtual

virtual void writeIsAbstract(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    bool isAbstract
) = 0;

Writes the Is Abstract attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeMinimumSamplingInterval virtual

virtual void writeMinimumSamplingInterval(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    double minimumSamplingInterval
) = 0;

Writes the Minimum Sampling Interval attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeNoLoops virtual

virtual void writeNoLoops(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    bool noLoops
) = 0;

Writes the No Loops attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeNodeClass virtual

virtual void writeNodeClass(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const NodeClass & nodeClass
) = 0;

Writes the Node Class attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeNodeId virtual

virtual void writeNodeId(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const NodeIdString & newNodeId
) = 0;

Writes the Node ID attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeSByteArray virtual

virtual void writeSByteArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < Poco::Int8 > & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of SByte.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeSByteValue virtual

virtual void writeSByteValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    Poco::Int8 value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be SByte.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeStringArray virtual

virtual void writeStringArray(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < std::string > & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of String.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeStringValue virtual

virtual void writeStringValue(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::string & value
) = 0;

Reads and returns the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be String.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeSymmetric virtual

virtual void writeSymmetric(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    bool symmetric
) = 0;

Writes the Symmetric attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeUInt16Array virtual

virtual void writeUInt16Array(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < Poco::UInt16 > & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of UInt16.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeUInt16Value virtual

virtual void writeUInt16Value(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    Poco::UInt16 value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be UInt16.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeUInt32Array virtual

virtual void writeUInt32Array(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < Poco::UInt32 > & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of UInt32.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeUInt32Value virtual

virtual void writeUInt32Value(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    Poco::UInt32 value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be UInt32.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeUInt64Array virtual

virtual void writeUInt64Array(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    const std::vector < Poco::UInt64 > & value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be Array of UInt64.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeUInt64Value virtual

virtual void writeUInt64Value(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    Poco::UInt64 value
) = 0;

Writes the Value attribute of the node identified by nodeId. The value's type must be UInt64.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeUserAccessLevel virtual

virtual void writeUserAccessLevel(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    Poco::UInt8 userAccessLevel
) = 0;

Writes the User Access Level attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeUserExecutable virtual

virtual void writeUserExecutable(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    bool userExecutable
) = 0;

Writes the User Executable attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeUserWriteMask virtual

virtual void writeUserWriteMask(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    Poco::UInt32 userWriteMask
) = 0;

Writes the User Write Mask attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeValueRank virtual

virtual void writeValueRank(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    Poco::Int32 valueRank
) = 0;

Writes the Value Rank attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

writeWriteMask virtual

virtual void writeWriteMask(
    const NodeIdString & nodeId,
    Poco::UInt32 writeMask
) = 0;

Writes the Write Mask attribute of the node identified by nodeId.

Throws an OPCException if the attribute cannot be written.

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