
template < typename T >

class XSDVector

File Information

Library: XSD/Types
Package: XSDTypes
Header: Poco/XSD/Types/XSDVector.h


Class XSDVector is the root class for all simple list types.

Member Summary

Member Functions: back, begin, capacity, clear, empty, end, erase, front, insert, maxSize, operator <, operator ==, operator [], popBack, pushBack, rbegin, rend, reserve, resize, size

Types Aliases


using ConstIterator = typename std::vector < T >::const_iterator;


using ConstReference = typename std::vector < T >::const_reference;


using ConstReverseIterator = typename std::vector < T >::const_reverse_iterator;


using Iterator = typename std::vector < T >::iterator;


using Reference = typename std::vector < T >::reference;


using ReverseIterator = typename std::vector < T >::reverse_iterator;


using SizeType = typename std::vector < T >::size_type;


XSDVector inline


Creates the XSDVector.

XSDVector inline

    SizeType n

Creates the XSDVector with n elements

XSDVector inline

    SizeType n,
    const T & val

Creates the XSDVector with n copies of val

XSDVector inline

template < typename InputIterator > XSDVector(
    InputIterator beg,
    InputIterator end

Creates the XSDVector with a copy of a range.


~XSDVector virtual inline

virtual ~XSDVector();

Destroys the XSDVector.

Member Functions

back inline

Reference back();

back inline

ConstReference back() const;

begin inline

Iterator begin();

Returns the begin iterator

begin inline

ConstIterator begin() const;

Returns the begin iterator

capacity inline

SizeType capacity() const;

clear inline

void clear();

empty inline

bool empty() const;

end inline

Iterator end();

Returns the end iterator

end inline

const Iterator end() const;

Returns the end iterator

erase inline

Iterator erase(
    Iterator pos

erase inline

Iterator erase(
    Iterator first,
    Iterator last

front inline

Reference front();

front inline

ConstReference front() const;

insert inline

Iterator insert(
    Iterator pos,
    const T & val

insert inline

template < typename InputIterator > void insert(
    Iterator pos,
    InputIterator first,
    InputIterator last

insert inline

void insert(
    Iterator pos,
    SizeType n,
    const T & val

maxSize inline

SizeType maxSize() const;

operator < inline

bool operator < (
    const XSDVector < T > & other
) const;

operator == inline

bool operator == (
    const XSDVector < T > & other
) const;

operator [] inline

Reference operator[] (
    const SizeType n

operator [] inline

ConstReference operator[] (
    const SizeType n
) const;

popBack inline

void popBack();

pushBack inline

void pushBack(
    const T & t

rbegin inline

ReverseIterator rbegin();

Returns the begin iterator

rbegin inline

ConstReverseIterator rbegin() const;

Returns the begin iterator

rend inline

ReverseIterator rend();

Returns the end iterator

rend inline

ConstReverseIterator rend() const;

Returns the end iterator

reserve inline

void reserve(
    SizeType n

resize inline

void resize(
    SizeType n,
    const T & def = T ()

size inline

SizeType size() const;

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