
class ElementRef

File Information

Library: XSD/Types
Package: XSDElements
Header: Poco/XSD/Types/ElementRef.h


An ElementRef always references another root-level element. References are only allowed to have min/maxOccurs, id and annotation, i.e. the members they inherit from OrderContent, only delegate the interface definitions from Element to the referenced object. Note that only const methods are delegated. It is not possible to change the referenced element via the ElementRef. All set methods are ignored.


Direct Base Classes: Element

All Base Classes: Poco::RefCountedObject, AnnotatedObject, Content, Element, OrderContent, Visitable

Member Summary

Member Functions: accept, fixup, getAbstract, getBlockExtension, getBlockRestriction, getBlockSubstitution, getDefault, getFinalExtension, getFinalRestriction, getFixed, getNillable, getQualified, getSubstitutionGroup, hasDefault, hasFixed, hasSubstitutionGroup, name, nameSpace, setAbstract, setBlockAll, setBlockExtension, setBlockRestriction, setBlockSubstitution, setDefault, setFinalAll, setFinalExtension, setFinalRestriction, setFixed, setName, setNillable, setQualified, setSubstitutionGroup, setType, type

Inherited Functions: accept, addAnnotation, duplicate, fixup, getAbstract, getAnnotations, getBlockExtension, getBlockRestriction, getBlockSubstitution, getDefault, getFinalExtension, getFinalRestriction, getFixed, getId, getMaxOccurs, getMinOccurs, getNillable, getQualified, getSubstitutionGroup, hasDefault, hasFixed, hasSubstitutionGroup, id, iterator, name, nameSpace, referenceCount, release, setAbstract, setBlockAll, setBlockExtension, setBlockRestriction, setBlockSubstitution, setDefault, setFinalAll, setFinalExtension, setFinalRestriction, setFixed, setId, setMaxOccurs, setMinOccurs, setName, setNillable, setQualified, setSubstitutionGroup, type, types




Creates the ElementRef.


    const QName & ref

Creates the ElementRef. The references element needs not to exist yet.


    const std::string & id,
    Poco::UInt32 minOcc,
    Poco::UInt32 maxOcc,
    const QName & ref


~ElementRef virtual


Destroys the ElementRef.

Member Functions

accept virtual

void accept(
    Visitor & v
) const;

fixup virtual

void fixup();

Checks if the referenced element exists and set the element as member.

getAbstract virtual inline

bool getAbstract() const;

getBlockExtension virtual inline

bool getBlockExtension() const;

getBlockRestriction virtual inline

bool getBlockRestriction() const;

getBlockSubstitution virtual inline

bool getBlockSubstitution() const;

getDefault virtual inline

const std::string & getDefault() const;

The default value of the element. Empty if no one exists.

getFinalExtension virtual inline

bool getFinalExtension() const;

getFinalRestriction virtual inline

bool getFinalRestriction() const;

getFixed virtual inline

const std::string & getFixed() const;

The fixed value of the element. Empty if no one exists.

getNillable virtual inline

bool getNillable() const;

getQualified virtual inline

bool getQualified() const;

Returns if the element is in qualified form or not

getSubstitutionGroup virtual inline

const QName & getSubstitutionGroup() const;

hasDefault virtual inline

bool hasDefault() const;

hasFixed virtual inline

bool hasFixed() const;

hasSubstitutionGroup virtual inline

bool hasSubstitutionGroup() const;

name virtual inline

const std::string & name() const;

nameSpace virtual

const std::string & nameSpace() const;

setAbstract virtual inline

void setAbstract(
    bool abstr

setBlockAll virtual inline

void setBlockAll(
    bool block

setBlockExtension virtual inline

void setBlockExtension(
    bool block

setBlockRestriction virtual inline

void setBlockRestriction(
    bool block

setBlockSubstitution virtual inline

void setBlockSubstitution(
    bool block

setDefault virtual inline

void setDefault(
    const std::string & value

setFinalAll virtual inline

void setFinalAll(
    bool fin

setFinalExtension virtual inline

void setFinalExtension(
    bool fin

setFinalRestriction virtual inline

void setFinalRestriction(
    bool fin

setFixed virtual inline

void setFixed(
    const std::string & value

setName virtual inline

void setName(
    const std::string & name

setNillable virtual inline

void setNillable(
    bool nillable

setQualified virtual inline

void setQualified(
    bool qual

setSubstitutionGroup virtual inline

void setSubstitutionGroup(
    const QName & ref

setType inline

void setType(
    const Type & aType

type virtual inline

const Type & type() const;

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