
class StreamTokenizer

File Information

Library: Foundation
Package: Streams
Header: Poco/StreamTokenizer.h


A stream tokenizer splits an input stream into a sequence of tokens of different kinds. Various token kinds can be registered with the tokenizer.


Known Derived Classes: Poco::CppParser::Tokenizer

Member Summary

Member Functions: addToken, attachToStream, next




Creates a StreamTokenizer with no attached stream.


    std::istream & istr

Creates a StreamTokenizer with no attached stream.


~StreamTokenizer virtual

virtual ~StreamTokenizer();

Destroys the StreamTokenizer and deletes all registered tokens.

Member Functions


void addToken(
    Token * pToken

Adds a token class to the tokenizer. The tokenizer takes ownership of the token and deletes it when no longer needed. Comment and whitespace tokens will be marked as ignorable, which means that next() will not return them.


void addToken(
    Token * pToken,
    bool ignore

Adds a token class to the tokenizer. The tokenizer takes ownership of the token and deletes it when no longer needed. If ignore is true, the token will be marked as ignorable, which means that next() will not return it.


void attachToStream(
    std::istream & istr

Attaches the tokenizer to an input stream.


const Token * next();

Extracts the next token from the input stream. Returns a pointer to an EOFToken if there are no more characters to read. Returns a pointer to an InvalidToken if an invalid character is encountered. If a token is marked as ignorable, it will not be returned, and the next token will be examined. Never returns a NULL pointer. You must not delete the token returned by next().

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