
class RSACipherImpl

File Information

Library: Crypto
Package: RSA
Header: Poco/Crypto/RSACipherImpl.h


An implementation of the Cipher class for asymmetric (public-private key) encryption based on the the RSA algorithm in OpenSSL's crypto library.

Encryption is using the public key, decryption requires the private key.


Direct Base Classes: Cipher

All Base Classes: Cipher, Poco::RefCountedObject

Member Summary

Member Functions: createDecryptor, createEncryptor, name

Inherited Functions: createDecryptor, createEncryptor, decrypt, decryptString, duplicate, encrypt, encryptString, name, referenceCount, release



    const RSAKey & key,
    RSAPaddingMode paddingMode

Creates a new RSACipherImpl object for the given RSAKey and using the given padding mode.


~RSACipherImpl virtual

virtual ~RSACipherImpl();

Destroys the RSACipherImpl.

Member Functions

createDecryptor virtual

CryptoTransform::Ptr createDecryptor();

Creates a decryptor object.

createEncryptor virtual

CryptoTransform::Ptr createEncryptor();

Creates an encryptor object.

name virtual inline

const std::string & name() const;

Returns the name of the Cipher.

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