
class Condition

File Information

Library: Foundation
Package: Threading
Header: Poco/Condition.h


A Condition is a synchronization object used to block a thread until a particular condition is met. A Condition object is always used in conjunction with a Mutex (or FastMutex) object.

Condition objects are similar to POSIX condition variables, which the difference that Condition is not subject to spurious wakeups.

Threads waiting on a Condition are resumed in FIFO order.

Member Summary

Member Functions: broadcast, dequeue, enqueue, signal, tryWait, wait




Creates the Condition.




Destroys the Condition.

Member Functions


void broadcast();

Signals the Condition and allows all waiting threads to continue their execution.


void signal();

Signals the Condition and allows one waiting thread to continue execution.

tryWait inline

template < class Mtx > bool tryWait(
    Mtx & mutex,
    long milliseconds

Unlocks the mutex (which must be locked upon calling tryWait()) and waits for the given time until the Condition is signalled.

The given mutex will be locked again upon leaving the function, even in case of an exception.

Returns true if the Condition has been signalled within the given time interval, otherwise false.

wait inline

template < class Mtx > void wait(
    Mtx & mutex

Unlocks the mutex (which must be locked upon calling wait()) and waits until the Condition is signalled.

The given mutex will be locked again upon leaving the function, even in case of an exception.

wait inline

template < class Mtx > void wait(
    Mtx & mutex,
    long milliseconds

Unlocks the mutex (which must be locked upon calling wait()) and waits for the given time until the Condition is signalled.

The given mutex will be locked again upon successfully leaving the function, even in case of an exception.

Throws a TimeoutException if the Condition is not signalled within the given time interval.

dequeue protected

void dequeue();

dequeue protected

void dequeue(
    Event & event

enqueue protected

void enqueue(
    Event & event

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