
class SettingsServiceImpl

File Information

Library: IoT/Settings
Package: SettingsService
Header: IoT/Settings/SettingsServiceImpl.h


Implementation of SettingService.


Direct Base Classes: SettingsService

All Base Classes: SettingsService

Member Summary

Member Functions: getBool, getDouble, getInt16, getInt32, getInt64, getString, getUInt16, getUInt32, getUInt64, haveKey, haveSettingsKey, keys, remove, save, setBool, setDouble, setInt16, setInt32, setInt64, setString, setUInt16, setUInt32, setUInt64, settingsKeys

Inherited Functions: getBool, getDouble, getInt16, getInt32, getInt64, getString, getUInt16, getUInt32, getUInt64, haveKey, haveSettingsKey, keys, remove, save, setBool, setDouble, setInt16, setInt32, setInt64, setString, setUInt16, setUInt32, setUInt64, settingsKeys

Types Aliases


using Ptr = Poco::SharedPtr < SettingsServiceImpl >;



    Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Ptr pGlobalConfiguration,
    Poco::AutoPtr < Poco::Util::PropertyFileConfiguration > pSettings,
    const std::string & settingsPath

Creates the SettingsServiceImpl, using the given global configuration.


~SettingsServiceImpl virtual


Destroys the SettingsServiceImpl.

Member Functions

getBool virtual

Poco::Optional < double > getBool(
    const std::string & key,
    const Poco::Optional < double > & deflt
) const;

getDouble virtual

Poco::Optional < double > getDouble(
    const std::string & key,
    const Poco::Optional < double > & deflt
) const;

getInt16 virtual

Poco::Optional < Poco::Int16 > getInt16(
    const std::string & key,
    const Poco::Optional < Poco::Int16 > & deflt
) const;

getInt32 virtual

Poco::Optional < Poco::Int32 > getInt32(
    const std::string & key,
    const Poco::Optional < Poco::Int32 > & deflt
) const;

getInt64 virtual

Poco::Optional < Poco::Int64 > getInt64(
    const std::string & key,
    const Poco::Optional < Poco::Int64 > & deflt
) const;

getString virtual

Poco::Optional < std::string > getString(
    const std::string & key,
    const Poco::Optional < std::string > & deflt
) const;

getUInt16 virtual

Poco::Optional < Poco::UInt16 > getUInt16(
    const std::string & key,
    const Poco::Optional < Poco::UInt16 > & deflt
) const;

getUInt32 virtual

Poco::Optional < Poco::UInt32 > getUInt32(
    const std::string & key,
    const Poco::Optional < Poco::UInt32 > & deflt
) const;

getUInt64 virtual

Poco::Optional < Poco::UInt64 > getUInt64(
    const std::string & key,
    const Poco::Optional < Poco::UInt64 > & deflt
) const;

haveKey virtual

bool haveKey(
    const std::string & key
) const;

haveSettingsKey virtual

bool haveSettingsKey(
    const std::string & key
) const;

keys virtual

std::vector < std::string > keys(
    const std::string & key
) const;

remove virtual

void remove(
    const std::string & key

save virtual

void save() const;

setBool virtual

void setBool(
    const std::string & key,
    bool value

setDouble virtual

void setDouble(
    const std::string & key,
    double value

setInt16 virtual

void setInt16(
    const std::string & key,
    Poco::Int16 value

setInt32 virtual

void setInt32(
    const std::string & key,
    Poco::Int32 value

setInt64 virtual

void setInt64(
    const std::string & key,
    Poco::Int64 value

setString virtual

void setString(
    const std::string & key,
    const std::string & value

setUInt16 virtual

void setUInt16(
    const std::string & key,
    Poco::UInt16 value

setUInt32 virtual

void setUInt32(
    const std::string & key,
    Poco::UInt32 value

setUInt64 virtual

void setUInt64(
    const std::string & key,
    Poco::UInt64 value

settingsKeys virtual

std::vector < std::string > settingsKeys(
    const std::string & key
) const;

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