Classes: AddressTuple, INetworkEnvironmentService, NetworkEnvironmentService, NetworkEnvironmentServiceEventDispatcher, NetworkEnvironmentServiceImpl, NetworkEnvironmentServiceRemoteObject, NetworkEnvironmentServiceServerHelper, NetworkEnvironmentServiceSkeleton, NetworkInterface
struct AddressTuple
class INetworkEnvironmentService
The NetworkEnvironmentService can be used to get notifications about network address and network interface changes.
class NetworkEnvironmentService
The NetworkEnvironmentService can be used to get notifications about network address and network interface changes.
class NetworkEnvironmentServiceEventDispatcher
The NetworkEnvironmentService can be used to get notifications about network address and network interface changes.
class NetworkEnvironmentServiceImpl
Implementation of the NetworkEnvironmentService interface.
class NetworkEnvironmentServiceRemoteObject
The NetworkEnvironmentService can be used to get notifications about network address and network interface changes.
class NetworkEnvironmentServiceServerHelper
The NetworkEnvironmentService can be used to get notifications about network address and network interface changes.
class NetworkEnvironmentServiceSkeleton
The NetworkEnvironmentService can be used to get notifications about network address and network interface changes.
struct NetworkInterface
An IP address has been added to the system.
An IP address has been removed from the system.
No detailed information about the environment change is available. This may also mean that an IP address has been added or removed.
Options for enumerateInterfaces().
Return interfaces with IPv4 address only
Return interfaces with IPv6 address only
Return interfaces with IPv4 or IPv6 address
MIB Interface Type