class Sentence

File Information

Library: IoT/GNSS/NMEA
Package: Decoder
Header: IoT/GNSS/NMEA/Sentence.h


This class represents an NMEA 0183 sentence consisting of talker ID, sentence type and a variable number of comma-separated fields, followed by a checksum.

For a complete description of the NMEA 0183 message format see the NMEA 0183 document available from the National Marine Electronics Association.

An informal description of the NMEA 0183 message format can be found at <>.

Member Summary

Member Functions: addField, field, operator =, operator [], reset, size, swap, talkerId, type




Creates an empty Sentence, with the talker ID and type set to "XX" and "XXX", respectively.


    const std::string & talkerIdAndSentenceType

Creates an empty NMEA sentence using the given talker ID and sentence type, which must be exactly five characters long.


    const Sentence & other

Creates a Sentence by copying another one.


    const std::string & talkerId,
    const std::string & sentenceType

Creates an empty NMEA sentence with the given talker ID and sentence type. Talker ID must be two characters and message type must be three characters long.




Destroys the Sentence.

Member Functions


void addField(
    const std::string & field

Adds a field to the Sentence.

field inline

const std::string & field(
    std::size_t index
) const;

Returns the value of the field with the given index.

operator =

Sentence & operator = (
    const Sentence & other

Assigns a Sentence to another.

operator []

const std::string & operator[] (
    std::size_t index
) const;

Returns the value of the field with the given index.


void reset(
    const std::string & talkerIdAndSentenceType

Sets the talker ID and sentence type and clears all fields.


void reset();

Sets the talker ID and sentence type to XXXXX and clears all fields.

size inline

std::size_t size() const;

Returns the number of fields in the message.


void swap(
    Sentence & other

Swaps the contents of the Sentence with another one.

talkerId inline

const std::string & talkerId() const;

Returns the two-character talker ID (typically "GP" for GNSS receivers.

type inline

const std::string & type() const;

Returns the three-character message type, e.g. "AAM" or "RMC".

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