File Information
Library: IoT/Devices
Package: Generated
Header: IoT/Devices/CompositeServerHelper.h
A composite device consists of one or more sub devices or device fragments.
Composites are used to build hierarchies of devices, also known as device trees. This is intended to represent the hierarchical structure of a more complex device.
For example, for an electric vehicle, the (simplified) device tree may look like:
/ (root) Battery/ Voltage Temperature ChargeLevel Motor/ Switch PowerUsage RPM Temperature ... ...
The DeviceTree class can be used to conveniently find a device in the tree.
Member Summary
Member Functions: createRemoteObject, registerObject, registerRemoteObject, shutdown, unregisterObject
Types Aliases
using Service = IoT::Devices::Composite;
Creates a CompositeServerHelper.
Destroys the CompositeServerHelper.
Member Functions
static Poco::AutoPtr < IoT::Devices::CompositeRemoteObject > createRemoteObject(
Poco::SharedPtr < IoT::Devices::Composite > pServiceObject,
const Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable::ObjectId & oid
Creates and returns a RemoteObject wrapper for the given IoT::Devices::Composite instance.
static std::string registerObject(
Poco::SharedPtr < IoT::Devices::Composite > pServiceObject,
const Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable::ObjectId & oid,
const std::string & listenerId
Creates a RemoteObject wrapper for the given IoT::Devices::Composite instance and registers it with the ORB and the Listener instance uniquely identified by the Listener's ID.
Returns the URI created for the object.
static std::string registerRemoteObject(
Poco::AutoPtr < IoT::Devices::CompositeRemoteObject > pRemoteObject,
const std::string & listenerId
Registers the given RemoteObject with the ORB and the Listener instance uniquely identified by the Listener's ID.
Returns the URI created for the object.
static void shutdown();
Removes the Skeleton for IoT::Devices::Composite from the ORB.
static void unregisterObject(
const std::string & uri
Unregisters a service object identified by URI from the ORB.