File Information
Library: IoT/Devices
Package: Generated
Header: IoT/Devices/BooleanSensorServerHelper.h
The base class for two-state sensors measuring on/off or open/closed state.
In addition to the methods defined in this interface, a BooleanSensor implementation should expose the following properties:
- displayState (string, optional): The current state of the trigger, formatted as string for display purposes.
Member Summary
Member Functions: createRemoteObject, enableEvents, registerObject, registerRemoteObject, shutdown, unregisterObject
Types Aliases
using Service = IoT::Devices::BooleanSensor;
Creates a BooleanSensorServerHelper.
Destroys the BooleanSensorServerHelper.
Member Functions
static Poco::AutoPtr < IoT::Devices::BooleanSensorRemoteObject > createRemoteObject(
Poco::SharedPtr < IoT::Devices::BooleanSensor > pServiceObject,
const Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable::ObjectId & oid
Creates and returns a RemoteObject wrapper for the given IoT::Devices::BooleanSensor instance.
static void enableEvents(
const std::string & uri,
const std::string & protocol
Enables remote events for the RemoteObject identified by the given URI.
Events will be delivered using the Transport for the given protocol. Can be called multiple times for the same URI with different protocols.
static std::string registerObject(
Poco::SharedPtr < IoT::Devices::BooleanSensor > pServiceObject,
const Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable::ObjectId & oid,
const std::string & listenerId
Creates a RemoteObject wrapper for the given IoT::Devices::BooleanSensor instance and registers it with the ORB and the Listener instance uniquely identified by the Listener's ID.
Returns the URI created for the object.
static std::string registerRemoteObject(
Poco::AutoPtr < IoT::Devices::BooleanSensorRemoteObject > pRemoteObject,
const std::string & listenerId
Registers the given RemoteObject with the ORB and the Listener instance uniquely identified by the Listener's ID.
Returns the URI created for the object.
static void shutdown();
Removes the Skeleton for IoT::Devices::BooleanSensor from the ORB.
static void unregisterObject(
const std::string & uri
Unregisters a service object identified by URI from the ORB.