
class DatapointFactoryRemoteObject

File Information

Library: IoT/Datapoints
Package: Generated
Header: IoT/Datapoints/DatapointFactoryRemoteObject.h


A factory for the dynamic creation of Datapoints.


Direct Base Classes: IDatapointFactory, Poco::RemotingNG::RemoteObject

All Base Classes: IDatapointFactory, Poco::OSP::Service, Poco::RefCountedObject, Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable, Poco::RemotingNG::RemoteObject

Member Summary

Member Functions: createBoolean, createComposite, createCounter, createEnum, createFlags, createMovingAverage, createScalar, createString, createVector, remoting__typeId, remove

Inherited Functions: createBoolean, createComposite, createCounter, createEnum, createFlags, createMovingAverage, createScalar, createString, createVector, duplicate, isA, mutex, referenceCount, release, remoting__enableRemoteEvents, remoting__getURI, remoting__hasEvents, remoting__objectId, remoting__setURI, remoting__typeId, remove, type

Types Aliases


using Ptr = Poco::AutoPtr < DatapointFactoryRemoteObject >;



    const Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable::ObjectId & oid,
    Poco::SharedPtr < IoT::Datapoints::DatapointFactory > pServiceObject


~DatapointFactoryRemoteObject virtual

virtual ~DatapointFactoryRemoteObject();

Member Functions

createBoolean virtual inline

std::string createBoolean(
    const IoT::Datapoints::BooleanDatapointParams & params

Creates a BooleanDatapoint and returns the service ID of the newly created Datapoint.

createComposite virtual inline

std::string createComposite(
    const IoT::Datapoints::BasicDatapointParams & params

Creates a Composite and returns the service ID of the newly created Composite.

createCounter virtual inline

std::string createCounter(
    const IoT::Datapoints::CounterDatapointParams & params

Creates a CounterDatapoint and returns the service ID of the newly created Datapoint.

createEnum virtual inline

std::string createEnum(
    const IoT::Datapoints::EnumDatapointParams & params

Creates an EnumDatapoint and returns the service ID of the newly created Datapoint.

createFlags virtual inline

std::string createFlags(
    const IoT::Datapoints::FlagsDatapointParams & params

Creates an FlagsDatapoint and returns the service ID of the newly created Datapoint.

createMovingAverage virtual inline

std::string createMovingAverage(
    const IoT::Datapoints::MovingAverageDatapointParams & params

Creates a ScalarDatapoint that implements moving average computation and returns the service ID of the newly created Datapoint.

createScalar virtual inline

std::string createScalar(
    const IoT::Datapoints::ScalarDatapointParams & params

Creates a ScalarDatapoint and returns the service ID of the newly created Datapoint.

createString virtual inline

std::string createString(
    const IoT::Datapoints::StringDatapointParams & params

Creates a StringDatapoint and returns the service ID of the newly created Datapoint.

createVector virtual inline

std::string createVector(
    const IoT::Datapoints::VectorDatapointParams & params

Creates a VectorDatapoint and returns the service ID of the newly created Datapoint.

remoting__typeId virtual inline

virtual const Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable::TypeId & remoting__typeId() const;

remove virtual inline

virtual void remove(
    const std::string serviceID

Removes the Datapoint (or Composite) with the given ID.

The Datapoint or Composite must have been created previously by calling one of the createXXX() methods.

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