class PeripheralBrowser

File Information

Library: IoT/BtLE
Package: BtLE
Header: IoT/BtLE/PeripheralBrowser.h


This class provides browsing (scanning) for available Bt LE devices.

Member Summary

Member Functions: browse, browseInProgress, cancelBrowse

Types Aliases


using Ptr = Poco::SharedPtr < PeripheralBrowser >;


~PeripheralBrowser virtual

virtual ~PeripheralBrowser();

Destroys the PeripheralBrowser.

Member Functions

browse virtual

virtual void browse(
    bool activeScan = false
) = 0;

Scan for peripherals.

If activeScan is true, an active scan will be performed, otherwise a passive scan. Full advertising data will only be provided in an active scan. Advertising data for a passive scan is limited to at most 31 bytes. For extended advertising data provided by an active scan, the maximum size is 1650 bytes.

Any peripherals found will be reported through the peripheralFound event. Scanning for peripherals will be done asynchronously, therefore this method returns immediately.

An active scan will stop automatically after some time, firing the browseComplete event. A passive scan will go on until canceled by calling cancelBrowse().

If a browse is already in progress, throws a Poco::IllegalStateException.

browseInProgress virtual

virtual bool browseInProgress() = 0;

Returns true if a browse (scan) is currently in progress, otherwise false.

cancelBrowse virtual

virtual void cancelBrowse() = 0;

Cancels an ongoing browse operation.



Poco::BasicEvent < void > browseComplete;

Fired when browsing has been completed.


Poco::BasicEvent < const std::string > browseError;

Fired when an error was encountered during browsing.


Poco::BasicEvent < void > browseStarted;

Fired when browsing has been started.


Poco::BasicEvent < const PeripheralInfo > peripheralFound;

Fired when a peripheral has been found during browsing.

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