File Information
Library: IoT/BtLE
Package: BtLE
Header: IoT/BtLE/Peripheral.h
This class provides a high-level interface to a Bt LE peripheral device using the Bt Generic Attribute Profile (GATT).
Known Derived Classes: GATTPeripheral
Member Summary
Member Functions: address, characteristic, characteristicForAssignedNumber, characteristics, connect, connectAsync, deviceName, disconnect, expandUUID, firmwareRevision, handleForDescriptor, hardwareRevision, isConnected, manufacturerName, modelNumber, readBytes, readDouble, readFloat, readInt16, readInt32, readInt64, readInt8, readString, readString0, readUInt16, readUInt32, readUInt64, readUInt8, serialNumber, serviceUUIDForAssignedNumber, services, softwareRevision, writeBytes, writeDouble, writeFloat, writeInt16, writeInt32, writeInt64, writeInt8, writeString, writeUInt16, writeUInt32, writeUInt64, writeUInt8
Types Aliases
using Ptr = Poco::SharedPtr < Peripheral >;
virtual ~Peripheral();
Destroys the Peripheral.
Member Functions
virtual std::string address() const = 0;
Returns the address of the device.
virtual Characteristic characteristic(
const Poco::UUID & serviceUUID,
const Poco::UUID & characteristicUUID
) = 0;
Returns the properties and handle for accessing the value of the given characteristic.
virtual Characteristic characteristicForAssignedNumber(
const Poco::UUID & serviceUUID,
Poco::UInt32 assignedNumber
) = 0;
Returns the properties and handle for accessing the value of the given characteristic.
virtual std::vector < Poco::UUID > characteristics(
const Poco::UUID & serviceUUID
) = 0;
Returns a vector containing the UUIDs of all available characteristics of the service identified by the given serviceUUID.
virtual void connect() = 0;
Connects to the Bt LE peripheral.
Waits for successful connection or error.
virtual void connectAsync() = 0;
Connects to the Bt LE peripheral.
Successful connection or error will be reported through connected and error events.
virtual std::string deviceName() = 0;
Returns the peripheral's device name obtained from the Generic Access Profile.
virtual void disconnect() = 0;
Disconnects from the Bt LE peripheral.
virtual Poco::UUID expandUUID(
Poco::UInt32 uuid
) = 0;
Expands the given 16-bit or 32-bit UUID to a full UUID.
virtual std::string firmwareRevision() = 0;
Returns the peripheral's firmware revision string obtained from the Device Information service.
virtual Handle handleForDescriptor(
const Poco::UUID & serviceUUID,
const Poco::UUID & characteristicUUID,
const Poco::UUID & descriptorUUID
) = 0;
Returns the handle with the given descriptor UUID for given characteristic and service.
virtual std::string hardwareRevision() = 0;
Returns the peripheral's hardware revision string obtained from the Device Information service.
virtual bool isConnected() const = 0;
Returns true if the device is connected.
virtual std::string manufacturerName() = 0;
Returns the peripheral's manufacturer name obtained from the Device Information service.
virtual std::string modelNumber() = 0;
Returns the peripheral's model number string obtained from the Device Information service.
virtual std::vector < char > readBytes(
Handle valueHandle
) = 0;
Reads a raw byte string from the given value handle.
virtual double readDouble(
Handle valueHandle
) = 0;
Reads a 64-bit double value (little endian) from the given value handle.
virtual float readFloat(
Handle valueHandle
) = 0;
Reads a 32-bit float value (little endian) from the given value handle.
virtual Poco::Int16 readInt16(
Handle valueHandle
) = 0;
Reads a signed 16-bit integer value (little endian) from the given value handle.
virtual Poco::Int32 readInt32(
Handle valueHandle
) = 0;
Reads a signed 32-bit integer value (little endian) from the given value handle.
virtual Poco::Int64 readInt64(
Handle valueHandle
) = 0;
Reads a signed 64-bit integer value (little endian) from the given value handle.
virtual Poco::Int8 readInt8(
Handle valueHandle
) = 0;
Reads a signed byte value from the given value handle.
virtual std::string readString(
Handle valueHandle
) = 0;
Reads a raw byte string from the given value handle.
virtual std::string readString0(
Handle valueHandle
) = 0;
Reads a 0-terminated character string from the given value handle.
virtual Poco::UInt16 readUInt16(
Handle valueHandle
) = 0;
Reads an unsigned 16-bit integer value (little endian) from the given value handle.
virtual Poco::UInt32 readUInt32(
Handle valueHandle
) = 0;
Reads an unsigned 32-bit integer value (little endian) from the given value handle.
virtual Poco::UInt64 readUInt64(
Handle valueHandle
) = 0;
Reads an unsigned 64-bit integer value (little endian) from the given value handle.
virtual Poco::UInt8 readUInt8(
Handle valueHandle
) = 0;
Reads an unsigned byte value from the given value handle.
virtual std::string serialNumber() = 0;
Returns the peripheral's serial number string obtained from the Device Information service.
virtual Poco::UUID serviceUUIDForAssignedNumber(
Poco::UInt32 assignedNumber
) = 0;
Returns the UUID of the service with the given 32-bit assigned number, or null UUID if no such service is available.
virtual std::vector < Poco::UUID > services() = 0;
Returns a vector containing the UUIDs of all available services.
virtual std::string softwareRevision() = 0;
Returns the peripheral's software revision string obtained from the Device Information service.
virtual void writeBytes(
Handle valueHandle,
const std::vector < char > & value,
bool withResponse
) = 0;
Writes a raw byte string to the given value handle.
If withResponse is false, uses a WriteWithoutResponse operation, otherwise a Write operation.
virtual void writeDouble(
Handle valueHandle,
double value,
bool withResponse
) = 0;
Writes a signed 64-bit double value (little endian) to the given value handle.
If withResponse is false, uses a WriteWithoutResponse operation, otherwise a Write operation.
virtual void writeFloat(
Handle valueHandle,
float value,
bool withResponse
) = 0;
Writes a signed 32-bit float value (little endian) to the given value handle.
If withResponse is false, uses a WriteWithoutResponse operation, otherwise a Write operation.
virtual void writeInt16(
Handle valueHandle,
Poco::Int16 value,
bool withResponse
) = 0;
Writes a signed 16-bit integer value (little endian) to the given value handle.
If withResponse is false, uses a WriteWithoutResponse operation, otherwise a Write operation.
virtual void writeInt32(
Handle valueHandle,
Poco::Int32 value,
bool withResponse
) = 0;
Writes a signed 32-bit integer value (little endian) to the given value handle.
If withResponse is false, uses a WriteWithoutResponse operation, otherwise a Write operation.
virtual void writeInt64(
Handle valueHandle,
Poco::Int64 value,
bool withResponse
) = 0;
Writes a signed 32-bit integer value (little endian) to the given value handle.
If withResponse is false, uses a WriteWithoutResponse operation, otherwise a Write operation.
virtual void writeInt8(
Handle valueHandle,
Poco::Int8 value,
bool withResponse
) = 0;
Writes a signed byte value to the given value handle.
If withResponse is false, uses a WriteWithoutResponse operation, otherwise a Write operation.
virtual void writeString(
Handle valueHandle,
const std::string & value,
bool withResponse
) = 0;
Writes a raw byte string to the given value handle.
If withResponse is false, uses a WriteWithoutResponse operation, otherwise a Write operation.
virtual void writeUInt16(
Handle valueHandle,
Poco::UInt16 value,
bool withResponse
) = 0;
Writes an unsigned 16-bit integer value (little endian) to the given value handle.
If withResponse is false, uses a WriteWithoutResponse operation, otherwise a Write operation.
virtual void writeUInt32(
Handle valueHandle,
Poco::UInt32 value,
bool withResponse
) = 0;
Writes an unsigned 32-bit integer value (little endian) to the given value handle.
If withResponse is false, uses a WriteWithoutResponse operation, otherwise a Write operation.
virtual void writeUInt64(
Handle valueHandle,
Poco::UInt64 value,
bool withResponse
) = 0;
Writes an unsigned 32-bit integer value (little endian) to the given value handle.
If withResponse is false, uses a WriteWithoutResponse operation, otherwise a Write operation.
virtual void writeUInt8(
Handle valueHandle,
Poco::UInt8 value,
bool withResponse
) = 0;
Writes an unsigned byte value to the given value handle.
If withResponse is false, uses a WriteWithoutResponse operation, otherwise a Write operation.
Poco::BasicEvent < void > connected;
Fired when a connection with the peripheral has been established.
Poco::BasicEvent < void > disconnected;
Fired when the connection with the peripheral has been disconnected.
Poco::BasicEvent < const std::string > error;
Fired when the connection attempt with the peripheral has failed. The event argument contains more information about the error.
Poco::BasicEvent < const Indication > indicationReceived;
Fired when an Indication has been received from the peripheral.
Poco::BasicEvent < const Notification > notificationReceived;
Fired when a Notification has been received from the peripheral.