
struct ZigBeeTransmitRequest

File Information

Library: IoT/XBee
Package: XBeeNode
Header: IoT/XBee/XBeeNode.h


A Transmit Request API frame causes the module to send data as an RF packet to the specified destination.

Frame Type: 0x10



Poco::UInt8 broadcastRadius;

Sets maximum number of hops a broadcast transmission can occur. If set to 0, the broadcast radius will be set to the maximum hops value.


std::string deviceAddress;

Hexadecimal text representation of 64-bit address of the destination device. Can be "0000000000000000" or empty for the coordinator, or "000000000000FFFF" for broadcast.


Poco::UInt8 frameID;

Identifies the serial port data frame for the host to correlate with a subsequent ACK (acknowledgement). If set to 0, no response is sent.


std::string networkAddress;

Hexadecimal text representation of the 16-bit network address of the device. Can be left empty or set to "FFFE" if the address is unknown, or if sending a broadcast.


Poco::UInt8 options;

Bitfield of supported transmission options. Supported values include the following:

  • 0x01 - Disable retries
  • 0x20 - Enable APS encryption (if EE=1)
  • 0x40 - Use the extended transmission timeout for this destination

Enabling APS encryption decreases the maximum number of RF payload bytes by 4 (below the value reported by NP). Setting the extended timeout bit causes the stack to set the extended transmission timeout for the destination address. All unused and unsupported bits must be set to 0.


std::vector < Poco::UInt8 > payload;

Data that is sent to the destination device.

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