Script Scheduler

Introduction EDGE contains a Script Scheduler for JavaScript which is responsible for starting and stopping scripts, in a fashion similar to the well-known cron job scheduler available on Unix platforms. Installed scripts can be started daily at a certain time, on a certain day of the week at a certain time, or keep running continuously. Multiple scripts can run in parallel.

Specifying Schedules

The format to specify script execution schedules is nearly the same as the format used by cron, although with some extensions. The schedule for a script is specified using the schedule attribute of the com.appinf.osp.js.schedule extension point element.

The general format of the attribute value is shown below:

"* * * * *"
 │ │ │ │ │
 │ │ │ │ │
 │ │ │ │ └─── Day of Week (0 – 7, 0/7 = Sun, 1 = Mon, 6 = Sat)
 │ │ │ └───── Month (1 - 12)
 │ │ └─────── Day of Month (1 - 31)
 │ └───────── Hour (0 - 23)
 └─────────── Minute (0 - 59)

The single fields in the cron expression can have special values, which are specified below:

Field Name     Allowed Values                         Allowed Special Chars
Minute         0 – 59                                 * , - /
Hour           0 – 23                                 * , - /
Day of Month   1 – 31                                 * , -
Month          1 – 12 or JAN, FEB, ... DEC            * , -
Day of Week    0 – 7 or SUN, MON, TUE, ... SAT, SUN   * , -

Commas (",") are used to separate items of a list. For example, using "MON,WED,FRI" in the day of week field means Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Hyphens ("-") define ranges. For example, "MON-FRI" or "1-5" in the day of week field means Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Slashes ("/") can be combined with ranges to specify step values. For example, */5 in the minutes field indicates every 5 minutes. It is shorthand for the more verbose form 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,00. Multiple independent schedules can be specified using multiple extension point elements.

Hours refer to local time.

Example: Run the script nightly.js everyday at 22:00 (10:00 pm):

<extension point="com.appinf.osp.js.schedule"
    script="nightly.js" schedule="0 22 * * *"/>

Note that trailing asterisks can be omitted, therefore the above can also be written as:

<extension point="com.appinf.osp.js.schedule"
    script="nightly.js" schedule="0 22"/>

In addition to the standard cron notation, the following special values can also be used:

  • @yearly: Run once a year at midnight of January 1 (0 0 1 1 *)
  • @monthly: Run once a month at midnight of the first day of the month (0 0 1 * *)
  • @weekly: Run once a week at midnight on Sunday morning (0 0 * * 0)
  • @daily: Run once a day at midnight (0 0 * * *)
  • @hourly: Run once an hour at the beginning of the hour (0 * * * *)
  • @start: Run the script when the bundle containing it is started.
  • @stop: Run the script when the bundle containing it is stopped.
  • @once: Run the script at most once, when the bundle containing it is started the first time.

Once a script has been started by the scheduler, it continues to run until it exits. By specifying the @start schedule, a script can run continuously. A script can also use the setTimeout() and setInterval() functions provided by the EDGE platform to schedule tasks internally. For example, using setInterval(), a script can perform a certain task every 30 seconds:

setInterval(function() {
        logger.information("30 seconds passed.");
    }, 30000);

This way it is possible to schedule tasks that cannot be expressed in a cron expression.

If a script is still running from the previous scheduled invocation when a new invocation is to be scheduled, the new invocation will be delayed until the previous one completes.

The date and time range when a script execution should be scheduled can be restricted with two additional attributes in the extension point. The attribute notBefore allows to specify the first date/time the script should be scheduled. The attribute notAfter allows to specify the latest possible execution of the script. The date and time is given in ISO8601 format. Example: run the script nightly.js everyday at 22:00, starting on January 5, 2016 until January 10, 2016:

<extension point="com.appinf.osp.js.schedule"
    script="nightly.js" schedule="0 22 * * *"
    notAfter="2016-01-10T23:59:59" />

Run script on 5th day of every month starting January 2016:

<extension point="com.appinf.osp.js.schedule"
    script="nightly.js" schedule="0 0 5 * *"
    notBefore="2016-01-01" />

Starting from December 1, 2015, every day at 10 am until December 25, 2016:

<extension point="com.appinf.osp.js.schedule"
    script="nightly.js" schedule="10 0 * * *"
    notAfter="2016-12-26" />

Run script every Wednesday and Saturday at 22:00:

<extension point="com.appinf.osp.js.schedule"
    script="nightly.js" schedule="22 0 * * WED,SAT" />

Script Files

Scripts for the scheduler must be written as modules exporting a start(), and optionally, a stop() function. The module is initialized when the bundle containing the scheduler script is loaded. The start() function is called whenever the script is scheduled to run. The optional stop() function is called when the bundle containing the script is stopped. It can be used to perform cleanup tasks. Generally, a script for the scheduler should have the following structure:

logger.debug("Initializing Script");

// Perform initialization tasks (called once when bundle is started).

module.exports = {
    start: function() {
        logger.debug("Script execution triggered by scheduler.");

        // Perform periodic tasks at the scheduled times.

    stop: function() {
        logger.debug("Script terminating.");

        // Perform cleanup tasks when the bundle is stopped.

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